torsdag den 30. september 2010

Another day in Canberra

Woke up 7am to an amazing view out of 'my' window.
What a fantastic way to start your day I reckon.
For Breaky I tasted WheatBix's for the first time, it is some kind of Australian cereal, tastes really good, and seems more healthy than Wassa's Egg and Bacon ha ha
even though I love it <3

So as the first thing today we when to QUESTACON
It just seemed smaller.
But we had great fun anyway trying all these scientific things.
Fun I must admit, even though Physics/Chemestry is my worst subjects at school.
We saw this presentation there about Illusions very interesting how your brain actually fools you all the time, but as the speaker said: "The world would look rather boring if our brain didnt fool us"
-and I agree.


After spending a few hours at QUESTACON we headed for the Parliament.
But before that I wondered where the Danish flag were near QUESTACONS entrance,
so I went searching for it and .... I found it + the Brazilian flag as well.
Mission Completed.

After a long fight trying to find a parking space at the Parliament, we finally succeeded.
At the Parliament we went looking at the souvenier shop, and went on a guided tour around the parliament afterwards. The guide wasnt as good as expected, but at least it was a free tour
ha ha
We went to see the 'question time' as well, where the politicans are kindda discussing while trying to answer some questions in a very big mess.
Funny to see that grown up politicans talk like babies (:
The 'wordleader' asked for silence several times, but nobody really paid attention!
Amazing isnt it? -in a bad way I reckon.
We ended our stay in the Parliament by walking on roof of the building (There was grass on it)
From there is an amazing view over the war memorial and old parliament.
I took heaps of photos there. 

As the 'last' thing we planned for today we went to the Danish Embassy.
When we arrived we realized that it closed 5 minutes ago...
æææv what a shame.
Anyway we tryed to call them through the door thingie, and they answer it.
Actually I pesuaded them to let us in, and so we did.
There was 2 danish guys and one american fellow.
Very nice people and very talkactive.
Spoke some random danish ha ha and got a few maps of Denmark to show people.
I Also got free pins for my rotary jacket, and found out that these two fellows came to stay in Australia for 6-12months working at the Embassy as a part of their eduacation at the University in Denmark.
Quite interesting and maybe a possibility for me in the future? who knows??

Anyway one of the danish guys showed us on a map, where we could find Kangaroos.
He said that the chance to see them was around 80%
So we decided to try, to get to this Park he referred to.

-And so we did!
I took the most amazing photos of Kangaroos in a park! lol
I was so amazed by how close you can get to wild Kangaroos.
They didnt seem to care.
Actually they are amazing creatures, and I realized how much personality they got!
It is just like the horses at home, dead serious wee <3

Anyway we spend quite a bit of time, me just taking photos of this strange animal, which face reminded me of a Lama!

This evening Robyn and Phill made us an increadible dinner again!
BBQ is yummi (:
and then after a little photoshow of Kangaroos I'm now sitting here again, writing as always !

Tomorrow is the last day in Canberra before we are heading for home.
I really enjoyed it so far, and I just love my hostfamily, and their friends as well.
How amazing are they aye?!


Found a car with this: Keep cool -fly lufthansa !

The war Memorial

The Aboriginals Embassy

onsdag den 29. september 2010

The National Museum of Australia

Alarm set: 5.30am
6.45am ready to go! -The car packed
Canberra Im on my way (:

About 3hrs drive from Valley Heights to Canberra.
Sitting with my laptop, a little sleepy and then...
I really missed our longish conversations, and 10 question game.
It was good entertainment for around 2hrs untill my laptop ran out of power. never the less, it is always nice to talk to some of your best friends back home <3

We had a little tea break about 1hr from Canberra.
It was hornestly in the mittle of now where, with view over a dryed out lake. very very flat and major piece of land.

Anyway the first thing we did was driving to the information centre.
Yvonne and I took so so so many pamphlets of random tourists attractions. Afterwards we headed for QUESTACON but there was no parking space for us, so we decided to do is as the first thing tomorrow morning.

Instead we went to the national museum of Australia!
It was awesomeness (:
I loved the Aboriginal exhibitions, their paintings (dot paintings)
and the history behind was amazing.
the shape of the figures in the dot paintings could represent people sitting, water wholes, dead people, salt lakes, bondfires etc.

We look at so much stuff, that I cant remember it all, but surprisingly most of it actually interested me!
There was this part as well, where a aboriginal radio station gave you the oppotunity to make your own radio announcement.
It was great fun, Yvonne and I was laughing to dead.
I gotta say this time I might have been laughing at Wassa instead of with him..

Anyway I reckon we spent from around 11-17 o'clock at the museum with only a lunch break. It tells a bit how interesting it was.
Afterwards we quickly went to the memorial wall, so I could see the amazing view of the parlament house.
Took some photos there, and also of these lovely spring flowers
(uploading later on)

One thing that surprised me about Canberra is that it was FREEZING!
Another was that it is the capital of Australia, but no high buildings and there is so much space! It is all spread out on a very big area.
Very very suprising.

We ended the day, arriving at Phill and Robyn's place where we are sleeping under our stay in Canberra.

On our way to their house in the car:

So after a lovely dinner Robyn prepared for us I went to bed, sitting here now writing my blog.
But I really gotta go to sleep now!

New updates about my 2nd day in Canberra tomorrow


tirsdag den 28. september 2010

20 september a normal day with a bit of visitors

The 20th September 2010 :

Today I had exams again -.-
Never the less, I survived and when I came home we had visitors! Some of Warwicks family/friends came by and they brought there little 'puppy' a BLUE CATTLE DOG!

They are the custest hornestly, I simple love them and this one: Jack -was just gorgouse.
Just talking a lot and having a fantastic dinner! I also recieved my new straightener with the mail, so I was heaps excited (:
While the 'adults' was talking (I was a bit bored) I played with my little mate Jack, and took some photos around the garden!

Look at these fantastic colourful birds, I just love them. Compared to the black and grey ones in Denmark, these are way more interesting!

It is spring now, which means it is the most colourful season of the
year here in Australia. In summer it is way too hot, and winter too cold i reckon...

But amazing it is! And so many different flowers and other plants i've never seen before. Anyways enjoy the photo of this lovely dog! How cute is he aye? Im totally in love i must admit! -same type of dog I met on my trip to Nelson Bay

They danes are gathering

 The original plan, was to go Jetboating in Sydney. But Andreas was unfortuneatly busy, so when I reached central I got a call from Laura explaining the situation ha ha...
We agreed that we wanted to wait jetboating untill a day where we all could anticipate. Instead I went to Hurstville where Laura lives. Already at central I was lost, but managed to get to Hurstville quicker than I thought and without a ticket :O
I just had one problem! I didnt have Lauras phone number! Emilie wasnt answering her phone, and when I called Andreas, he realized the also him didnt have Lauras phoneno. Arghh what to do?? Finally after a while walking around in Hurtsville, I got in contact with Emilie, who could give me Lauras number.
 Next step, getting in contact with her! I succeeded in that as well (: Jubii short after she arrived with the bus.
Last step, waiting for Emilie to arrive with the train. While waiting Laura and I were just chatting walking around in the shopping centre looking at shoes etc. We also got a photo with this creature in front of common wealth bank. Soonish Emilie arrived and we headed for Lauras place.
 We spent rest of the day at this amazing little spot near Lauras house. A green little park with a small beach and water! PERFECT <3 Talking eating strawberries, crisps and drinking soda, life doent get better.
How danish can it be? 3 danish chicks eating strawberries in spring (not summer lol) I reckon it was about 28 degrees, but suddenly it started raining heavily. We walked back to her place, ate ice-cream with coókies yummi while talking about random stuff and boyz. ha ha Soon after it was time for Emilie and I to try to find our way back home (: But we came up with the idea making a danish night: Me, Laura, Emilie & Andreas each inviting some of our aussie friends, for danish dinner!! wee cant wait.

A really good good day speaking danish was nice, especially with two girls like Laura and Emilie <3 Ihh det elsker jeg !

søndag den 26. september 2010

24-09-2010 Sunny day

 I reckon the photos says it all. Stephen and I went to a little park, besides Penrith river, while his mum went to the hairdresser.

I know I rather weird sometimes, and this time i made this smiley happy face up! A summer face on Stephens leg! How cool is it aye? I got talent :)

A bit of danish culture is important as well. A bench in Penrith: 'Jeg elsker dig'
I reckon that's a really nice sentence to start off with.
A group photo as well of the two retards (: How nice does it look aye?! I reckon I was about 28 degress, and my shoulders got sunburned :// Sunscreen next time (Y) even thought Stephen says it turns brown into a nice tan... but it is not healthy i tell ya, my little friend <3

18-19 sept Nelson Bay

So the weekend came, where Caique and I had to go on this bustrip to Nelson Bay with some rotary members and other elderly people. I had to get up at 5am to get ready for Cheryl (Caiques Hostmum) to pick me up, so we could get on the bus. Norm (Caiques hostdad) was driving it the whole way from Springwood to Nelson Bay and back again.

Caique and I were both very sleepy after our dance party night, so we spent most of the trip down to Nelson bay, sleeping, talking and being on my laptop (nothing else you really could do) The first comment Caique gave me when we sat in the bus though was: This bus smells like pussy!
I couldnt agree more ha ha: This is going to be a very long trip aye!?
But we survived, no problem.

On our way down we had a few stops.

1) Coffee and Cake <3 Yummy and then I saw this truck with horses in (i reckon it would be illigal in Denmark what do you think aye?

2) A winery where we got an amazing lunch and got shown around, to see the whole process (hornestly kindda boring but an experience as well)
3) A stop at another Winery, wine tasting (unfortuneately exchagers cant drink alkohol) We tasted a bit anyways :0)
4) Arrival at Nelson Bay

The whole trip was good! The weather nice and people as well. very talk active, and friendly, having a lot of fun together!

Some more photos from the trip to Nelson Bay:

A beautiful wild Okidé,
one of the ladies found

2 very exhausted teenagers at
a winery waiting to move on!
My own little joke, I reckon I was the
only one who thought it was funny.
 But at least it is true haha!

When we arrived at Nelson Bay we got our rooms. I got my own room, with amazing view over the sea, 2 beds (one dobble another single), television, massive bathroom etc. Very impressive!

I felt bad for my brazilian friend though! He had to share room with 2 rotary members (very nice people indeed, but still) ha ha I was just lucky to be a girl aye!?

Before dinner Caique and I went down to the beach exploring the area! Had a massive convesation which was good, and I saw a dolphin! WOW and the water was so so so clean, you could stand and look into it and see fish at different sizes, amazing and very impressive.

After we came home to the hotal again, we had a lovely dinner! And then I came up with the thought: "let's take a swim in the pool"
but nah, it was dark and so so so cold, so instead we walked down to the beach again, for a little evening walk (:

I slept so good the whole night! Dobble bed (Y) Im not complaining.
Next morning after breaky it was time to pack up again, and what happens!?
I came too late ha ha
I had been given a timetable which i follow very precise, but when Caique started calling me, asking where I was, I was in a hurry.
But everything sorted out, and after putting my bag in the bus, we walked to the beach again, to find the boat where were supposed to watch dolphins from.

We were both very sleepy, and the weather was a bit cloudy, so we only saw around 3 dolphins. Instead we spend the time on a nap !
In the end of the boat trip we had lunch on the boat, very good lunch actually!

And then we headed for the bus. After sleeping on Caiques lap for a few hours, we reached a nut farm. I dont remember the name on the nuts, but they tasted really good! It was also here i found my dream of a dog: A blue cattle dog <3
How cute are they aye? Not pretty or anything, but still very charming and trustworthy.
The rest of the way home I slept on Caique, we occupied the whole backseat (4 seat together) so very comfi (: ha ha

After cleaning the bus and delivered it back it was time for home. I was still very tired (we both were) and the thought about exams next day almost killed me haah! But I was a very good trip to Nelson Bay with a lot of fun with the rotary members here and there..

Thank you for bringing us!

A blue cattle dog <3

23-09-2010 Sara Meyer my goddess

Sara Meyer + Shopping in Parramatta -the best ever you can Imagine!

Finally the day came. The day where I would go on my first real shopping trip in Australia. Sara (Swiss girl) and I decided to go to Paramatta. You wont believe this but, when you get out of the train you go straight into a massive shopping center with 4-5 levels! It is absolutely insane. We started out right away ready to spend (too much) money.

But the whole trip was funny as. Every time we bought something or went into a shop, we started talking to people for 5 minutes or so. In the end of the day, I think most of the workers in the center new that we were exchangestudents from Denmark and Switzerland ha ha.

I got myself some really good stuff as well (summer clothes) especially my sandals they are AWESOMENESS!!

Anyway It was the best day ever for a looong while with my beautiful Sara <3 Nice just talking, buying clothes and eating delicious foods MUMS

Bushwalk: The National Pass

Finally the day came. The day where Warwick and I were going for a bushwalk at Wentworthfalls.
Í found out though that bushwalking isnt that popular among young people here in Australia so I had difficulties to find people who wanted to join us! Unfortuneatly my lovely 'sommerfugl' Sophie couldn't join me. Alice De Woot did instead, which totally made my day <3

So after attending sunday church Warwick and I picked Alice up at the train station and from there drove to Wentworth falls (: The weather was really nice so light clothes, sunglases and good walking shoes was the way forward!

We started out around 12.30pm and ended our trip around 16.00pm - very exhausted and tired! Haha
But throught the walk (which was amazing) Alice and I kept taking heaps of photos! It was some spetacular and overwhelming views that met us, and unbelieveable beautiful.
My opinion is that my camera didnt catch the overwhelming veiw that surrounded us, which was a shame, cause I really wanted to show it to all of you!
We took so many photos together Alice and I so If you want to see them all check my facebook: Julie Liljegren.

Through our trip my dad sang while walking (heaps fun) and in a age of 67 years very impressive how he kept walking 20meters in front of us the whole way, while we were struggeling on our way up (cause i tell ya, I have never seen so many steps in my whole life) My legs really need a good rest now!

But it was totally worth it! Waterfalls surrounding us while walking and eating lunch, - and of course most important Warwick to cool us down by splashing water at us (very unpleasent)

Anyway enjoy the photos please! I wish you all could experience this cause it was amazing!!!
-And quite funny when you started to know the other walkers! -cause we kept  crossing each other because of our breaks here and there lol

lørdag den 18. september 2010

Luck in unluck

This week i've been off and on school because of exams. Pretty good I reckon because u got a lot of sparetime then. The bad thing is that i've failed all my exams (or that is what i think) exams continues next week as well. Anyway I gotta look at the positive side ! :)
Because of the exams I got friday off yay! So I went to Springwood with Stephen and his mum for lunch, really nice I simply just love being with that family. The weather was so so so good and i know its only spring but it feels like summer for sure! Everybody are saying that this year the summer will be heaps hot argh im a dying person then :)
After lunch I went home again just to realize that the mail man had been there with a massive box from Denmark and I could pick it up in Springwood! Yes maiiin (or not) Some of my luck in unluck: of course i was curious to see what it was, so i walked to Springwood (30min each way) and back with this massive box and in an awfull heat.
It just saved my day, anyway I only had 20min before I had to walk to the trainstation cause Caique, Paul, Paula and I were going to some rave/ID party in Sydney WOOP WOOP
-This was another luck in unluck! The thing was that my hostie was worried about letting me go, anyway they gave me permisson ha  ha ! The second thing was that after I ordered the ticket I found out I had to show a valid Photo ID!!! nOt a problem i thought (but it is when your counsellor have your passport, and lives far far away) so what do u do then? I wrote a mail the the people who arranged the "dance festival" and I got permission to get in without (luck in unluck)
So We cathched the train 4ish and met Paul in Penrith. It was Cassie b-day as well, so the whole train was full of people from school cause they were going to luna park. HEAPS COOL! :) Then we were supposed to meet up with Paula but of course she took the wrong train twice haha poor thing, so while Paul went in to the party Caique and i were waiting for her :0)
We decided to "visit" a public toilet while waiting. very very clean i was so overwhelmed! Anyway I locked the door (very simple lock) but then Shit I locked myself in, and couldn't get out again oh no! I called Caique while laughing my head off, anyway the solution: crawling under the door on a very clean toilet floor (luck in unluck) hahhaha SO MUCH FUN!

and then we finally got in! PARTY !!! lOads of youn people just dancing crazy for 4-5hrs to loud techno thingie music, so much fun woop woop...
Afterwards i went straight home, in the train we met Cassie and the other AGAIN lol
Mark, Andrew and two other guys as well, which was pretty good (they live at the same street as I) so i didnt have to walk home alone (just my luck) really nice guys (:
So when I came home around 1am i had to pack up for Nelson bay trip (leaving 7am) So i only got 3hrs of sleep :/
So now im sitting here in the bus with my laptop, writing my blog, on my way to nelson bay with Caique and LOADS of rotarians (i think)

tirsdag den 14. september 2010

Love The Way You Lie - MASHUP (free mp3!)


This term is almost over, only this week and next left. After that 2 weeks of holidays. But now exams for 2 weeks oh no!

It is not fair, ha ha FAIL BIG TIME! Exams in things from the whole year, but i've just been here nearly 2 months. Anyway Im surviving, i dont need to pass anything, i just need to turn up.
This Monday I had english exam = failure
Tuesday I had PDHPE = Failure
Tomorrow english exam again = less failure?!
who knows ha ha

Anyway nobody expects anything from me, so its all good.

Sunday I had the best afternoon with Stephen, just running around on a footie field after we had been to some Baskettball season ending thingie thing. wee <3

Today I've been sick, just like yesterday and the day before that. It really sucks but I'm surviving. It is not getting worse haha it has been raining the whole day, exams and illness argh ! :S

But with good friends, Ice-cream, Music and internet (but no phone credit) Im surviving ha ha

Trying to prepare my Rotary presentation the 11th of october, but I keep doing something else. what to talk about aye? ! They had several danish kids in the club, so i gotta find something interesting to talk about.

This coming weekend im off to Nelson Bay with Caique !! yay how good is that :D me like very much indeed! The 23rd of September shopping with Sara <3 Love on you girl

Thats all for now I reckon...

Sunday 12th September

I went to church again 2nd time here in Australia. They had this thing where they send christmas presents to poor children around the world. I saw a video of a child who had been given a present like that. He didnt even open it before he dansed around smiling like a little child on christmas eve (which he was) He just had not opened the present yet haha!
I helped packing them, so they could be sent to these small children, what a splendid idea.

Church in Australia isnt the same as back home in Denmark. There are several religions and because that australia is a very youg country, the churces are kindda modern. Not the kind of church we normally see in Denmark.

They play several instruments as well, like guitar and piano instead of a organ as in Denmark. It is most older people who goes to this church, but there are some very small children as well and sometimes a FEW on my age.
This sunday a little fellow got babtised. The church overhere is very into social work like helping poor people etc. and as you can see on the picture the alter isnt anything special or old at all. The preacher wears normal clothes as well, very different i must say. After church there is tea, coffee and cake, people are talking and then home.

søndag den 12. september 2010

A splendid picnic or a more splendid picnic?

Today I went to Kayley's splendid picnic in Lomatia park (:
While Hamish was having a more splendid picnic in Lomatia park as well (intern joke i reckon)
Anyway it was really good, and there was way too much food, think everybody brought cake or other lollies MUMS!

The sun was shining and seriously it felt like summer in dk (it is only spring omg)
Anyway think we were there for about 3hrs or so, then most of us went to Hamish's house (boys jumping in the pool of course) yearh and then Caique and I left the show lol :o) could have been fun if i had some swimwear too thoug.

Watched a movie at his place and then walked to springwood to catch the train to Penrith 7pm so we could watch "Tomorrow when the war began" actually surprisingly good.
Of course non of the people from the splendid picnic went to the movies as they'd talked about.

Getting home was even more interesting than going to the movies lol! We missed one train, and when a train finally came, we had to sit in it for 20-30min or so before it left, because of this crazy bitch. She was so out of it, and while we were "training" to valley heights she was screaming, crying, hammering her hands into the doors etc. very entertaining for the rest of the cabin watching.

What a day! xx