For Once monday wasn't rain and school. NO NO NO because of athletics carnival we had/took school off, so Monday became heavy rain and cozyness with friends.I went to Andrea's house with Emily to give me a movie cultural experience: The Hangover & Alice In Wonderland. 2 movies I've never watched before.
Saturday night I had forgotten my Marshmallows + we made Josh go and buy some extra. Movie + Marshmallows = equals very good combination. We tried to cook them in front of the indoor fire with wire, which was fun and alternative, but succesful (:
tirsdag den 31. maj 2011
Morgans Run
Even though it''s a few days now since my birthday, Warwick & Yvonne & Jean took me to Springwood to watch Morgans run, as a birthday present. The Musicael is written my a local fella and a author of a book. The play is about the convicts coming to Australia settling etc. Very impressing and amazing music when you think about it's a local production. Apparently they want to go broadway with it, so good luck with that. It was such a good experience, and afterwards we went to have a cup of coffee and then Chineese for dinner. The evening went quick, with such good company. God I love my hostfamilies :)
Even though it''s a few days now since my birthday, Warwick & Yvonne & Jean took me to Springwood to watch Morgans run, as a birthday present. The Musicael is written my a local fella and a author of a book. The play is about the convicts coming to Australia settling etc. Very impressing and amazing music when you think about it's a local production. Apparently they want to go broadway with it, so good luck with that. It was such a good experience, and afterwards we went to have a cup of coffee and then Chineese for dinner. The evening went quick, with such good company. God I love my hostfamilies :)
We said Fire!
Saturday I went to Andrea's house where we had a bondfire with their Neighbours, some friends, and Sian & Emily (girls from school). Well I took part in building the bondfire which became MASSIVE it got dark quickly and cold but near the fire it was way too hot. We had BBQ for dinner (Dave's finest) and us girls painted our faces with green facepaint, pretty awesome! Such a good night with seek and hide: Julie: I feel like a rock. Sian: I feel like a multicoloured rock! HAHA 3 girls hiding the same place but we never got found :)
well enjoy emily's photos:
Saturday I went to Andrea's house where we had a bondfire with their Neighbours, some friends, and Sian & Emily (girls from school). Well I took part in building the bondfire which became MASSIVE it got dark quickly and cold but near the fire it was way too hot. We had BBQ for dinner (Dave's finest) and us girls painted our faces with green facepaint, pretty awesome! Such a good night with seek and hide: Julie: I feel like a rock. Sian: I feel like a multicoloured rock! HAHA 3 girls hiding the same place but we never got found :)
well enjoy emily's photos:
tirsdag den 24. maj 2011
Hi everybody!
So it's already a couple of weeks ago since I came home from my safari. I had planned to put up my diary for the whole trip but it's more than 20 days to write and edit photos for, so I've decided after finishing 3 of the days not to do the rest, but consentrate on what's happening around me now.
All I can say is that the trip was the best time of my life, I made friends for a lifetime and saw the most spetacular things you can imagine! And Ill promise to tell you all about it in person next time you see me (just remember to ask)
Time is going so quick and I only got 6 weeks left in this beautiful country. It's both sad and exciting at the same time, but one thing is for sure! I am going to miss this place heaps!
Unbelieveable how much I've experienced during the last 10 months!
Today Sara (Finish girl from school) and I went for a coffee and walked home afterwards which was really nice and good exercise. I have realised that during my time on exchange I have gained whole 12kg so it's about time I do something about it. So today I walked to school (1hrs walk), home from springwood (45min walk) and walked our dog Albert too (20-30min walk) so Im quite satisfied with all of my walking ha ha !
Anyhow just letting you all now that I am still alive and well, but dont expect more contributions about my safari.
Love Julie
So it's already a couple of weeks ago since I came home from my safari. I had planned to put up my diary for the whole trip but it's more than 20 days to write and edit photos for, so I've decided after finishing 3 of the days not to do the rest, but consentrate on what's happening around me now.
All I can say is that the trip was the best time of my life, I made friends for a lifetime and saw the most spetacular things you can imagine! And Ill promise to tell you all about it in person next time you see me (just remember to ask)
Time is going so quick and I only got 6 weeks left in this beautiful country. It's both sad and exciting at the same time, but one thing is for sure! I am going to miss this place heaps!
Unbelieveable how much I've experienced during the last 10 months!
Today Sara (Finish girl from school) and I went for a coffee and walked home afterwards which was really nice and good exercise. I have realised that during my time on exchange I have gained whole 12kg so it's about time I do something about it. So today I walked to school (1hrs walk), home from springwood (45min walk) and walked our dog Albert too (20-30min walk) so Im quite satisfied with all of my walking ha ha !
Anyhow just letting you all now that I am still alive and well, but dont expect more contributions about my safari.
Love Julie
søndag den 22. maj 2011
2nd Day
We stopped for lunch in a little town with a lot of Ned Kelly history. The kitchen crew served us yummy stuff and soon we were on the road again. Rumors started that we weren't going to Melbourne, so far they've been true, maybe tomorrow -we'll see. People got dissappointed, I've already been there so it doesn't mean a great deal to me wether we are going or not. We arrived at camp 15.30pm and had all afternoon. Some swam in the pool (me) which was freezing. This boys team, that plays a weird kind of sport (dont remember the name) joined us and I ended up playing Ping Pong with a couple of them. After dinner Alice, Layse and I went to spent some washing coins on the dryer -my towel was wet as!
I find it hard to imagine what to do when dryers are not availiable anymore. I mean who wants a wet/stinking towel in their little blue bag? Layse and I got so excited when we made the dryer work and started dancing brasilian -she's so cute. Later that night as I said before, different games was on. Rebecca (sweden) and I had the biggest laugh when we played 'Bordtennis' -she is like the nicest most natural girl ever.
Anyhow had a good talk with Tove (Sweden) and her horses. and btw. got the busdrivers sleepingbag -he's shorter than me ha ha ! -Just kidding. The tents we're sleeping in is so easy to put up and down, and they're even quite big!
The weather is heaps warmer than yesterday eg. im sitting in thongs in the middle of the night -everybody else seems to be freezing, so maybe it's just me.
The leaders are really nice, I dont feel they are there, even though they play games with us etc. so it's really positive. I hope tomorrow will be a bit more exciting when it comes to activities during day time.
Anyhow Charlotte went to bed ages ago, so I better follow. -She's my sleeping buddy, we change every day, a good way to get eachother to know better!
onsdag den 18. maj 2011
4th Day
Tuesday 19th April
Sleep in today which was only like 30min extra for me. I heard my alarm, and it woke up Aggie too, but I couldn't find my phone so I could turn of the alarm! So I dived into my sleeping bag where I finally found it, in the very bottom. In the bus I sat next to Becca again. She's such a fun and nice creature! Today's drive was 5hrs, played a bit of card but spent most of the time sleeping in awkawrd positions. We stopped for lunch, and Laura and I bought a few pins and an icecream, yummy.. More sleep, and more sleep and then a stop for 2hrs in a sleepy town. There was like nothing and the wet weather didn't help either. The 2hrs went past though and after another nap in the coach we arrived at our camp. Luxury (no tents) -real beds but... there was like worms everywhere, so the tents were actually to prefer. There's these massive bugs too called Bogan Moths or something!!
Anyhow we went to a cage with Bats in and got taught a lot about them, Per writes: Svamp er inte gott!! =)
It was fun especially with Owen talking like 24/7... Layse screaming everytime something moved even the bats.
Dinner was late but it was AMAZING with Regnbue is as dessert so good!!!
Tomorrow i'll be in kitchencrew sucks...
Quotes of the day: 'Can I get a Hungarianship around eating time everyday Marcell? cause Im very hungry.
Lukas: Keep massaging me or u'll get ugly children!
Sleep in today which was only like 30min extra for me. I heard my alarm, and it woke up Aggie too, but I couldn't find my phone so I could turn of the alarm! So I dived into my sleeping bag where I finally found it, in the very bottom. In the bus I sat next to Becca again. She's such a fun and nice creature! Today's drive was 5hrs, played a bit of card but spent most of the time sleeping in awkawrd positions. We stopped for lunch, and Laura and I bought a few pins and an icecream, yummy.. More sleep, and more sleep and then a stop for 2hrs in a sleepy town. There was like nothing and the wet weather didn't help either. The 2hrs went past though and after another nap in the coach we arrived at our camp. Luxury (no tents) -real beds but... there was like worms everywhere, so the tents were actually to prefer. There's these massive bugs too called Bogan Moths or something!!
Anyhow we went to a cage with Bats in and got taught a lot about them, Per writes: Svamp er inte gott!! =)
It was fun especially with Owen talking like 24/7... Layse screaming everytime something moved even the bats.
Dinner was late but it was AMAZING with Regnbue is as dessert so good!!!
Tomorrow i'll be in kitchencrew sucks...
Quotes of the day: 'Can I get a Hungarianship around eating time everyday Marcell? cause Im very hungry.
Lukas: Keep massaging me or u'll get ugly children!
3rd Day
18th April
Third day already, seems like the days get better and better. I shared seat with Rebacca (Sweden) in the bus, the best thing ever! 'Bøllebob' 'Far til 4' & 'Krummerne' got discussed deeply and the laugh meanwhile was just as deep. 'En by med hyp'. Kilian got taught heaps of danish from Laura and I: 'Du er smukkere end smuk, vil du kneppe?' Hvorfor ikke? Kom nu! Jeg vil jeg vil jeg vil' Ha ha
First stop today was a little country town -finally I got cash. Soon we drove along the Great Ocean Road, so so Beautiful that I decided to pay $75 for a helicopter ride with Becca and Alice to see more of this amazing scenery. It was well worth the money, I got this special feeling -Life just doesn't get any bigger.
Lunch and then exploring the road on foot with the girls.
The rest of the driving today was along the ocean road with several stops, one of them a pretty some kind of beach where a ship like so many others once ended it's days with only 2 survivors. The 9790 boys went in their undies! So entertaining to watch .
In early afternoon we arrived at camp and Becca, Alice and I went to the Souviniershop at the information centre. After dinner (we had danish for dessert) we went to hear more about all these ship accidents and it's two survivors. It was a spetacular light show on a screen of water, hard to explain and absolutely outstanding. It was good... and then... a peecock showed on the screen. It seemed more important than the survivors so Per and I started laughing. Afterwards Laura and I made a dance with the song: I wanna see ya peecock cock your peecock cock... and so on.. and Per and I came up with this: PÆÆÆÆÆR (like a sheep) and he would reply: Juuuuuuulie (Like scoopy Doo!) It was such a funny night, ill never forget.
And it got even worse when we walked back to camp. Becca and I wanted to run down a very steep hill to get to the playground. I was wearing thongs and by the end of the hill I couldnt run faster so I flew around in the air when I hit the flat ground. My shoes, my camera and bag was all over the place, and Becca as well. I did a flying tackle on her ha ha We just lied there laughing out loud. People on the top of the hill saw us but because of the dark they didn't know who the two fools were (us) - how lucky
Today was big washing day as well. It took ages to wash clothes for 5 girls. Atm it is 22.48pm and the last clothes still got 23min left in the dryer -it's gonna take all night, but imagine wet towels in a packed bag for a couple of days... quite smelly!
Another funny thing that happened today was Lukas: Julie you look like my old hostmum, her name was Julie too... Yous got same shape and behavior! -It completely cracked my up! Just to mention this has been the best day and hopefully there's more of those to come. Im feeling quite tired and it's only day 3 but so far so good. Tomorrow will be the 7, 8, 9 instead of 6, 7, 8 so a bit of a sleep in!
Good night from here!
Third day already, seems like the days get better and better. I shared seat with Rebacca (Sweden) in the bus, the best thing ever! 'Bøllebob' 'Far til 4' & 'Krummerne' got discussed deeply and the laugh meanwhile was just as deep. 'En by med hyp'. Kilian got taught heaps of danish from Laura and I: 'Du er smukkere end smuk, vil du kneppe?' Hvorfor ikke? Kom nu! Jeg vil jeg vil jeg vil' Ha ha
First stop today was a little country town -finally I got cash. Soon we drove along the Great Ocean Road, so so Beautiful that I decided to pay $75 for a helicopter ride with Becca and Alice to see more of this amazing scenery. It was well worth the money, I got this special feeling -Life just doesn't get any bigger.
Lunch and then exploring the road on foot with the girls.
The rest of the driving today was along the ocean road with several stops, one of them a pretty some kind of beach where a ship like so many others once ended it's days with only 2 survivors. The 9790 boys went in their undies! So entertaining to watch .
In early afternoon we arrived at camp and Becca, Alice and I went to the Souviniershop at the information centre. After dinner (we had danish for dessert) we went to hear more about all these ship accidents and it's two survivors. It was a spetacular light show on a screen of water, hard to explain and absolutely outstanding. It was good... and then... a peecock showed on the screen. It seemed more important than the survivors so Per and I started laughing. Afterwards Laura and I made a dance with the song: I wanna see ya peecock cock your peecock cock... and so on.. and Per and I came up with this: PÆÆÆÆÆR (like a sheep) and he would reply: Juuuuuuulie (Like scoopy Doo!) It was such a funny night, ill never forget.
And it got even worse when we walked back to camp. Becca and I wanted to run down a very steep hill to get to the playground. I was wearing thongs and by the end of the hill I couldnt run faster so I flew around in the air when I hit the flat ground. My shoes, my camera and bag was all over the place, and Becca as well. I did a flying tackle on her ha ha We just lied there laughing out loud. People on the top of the hill saw us but because of the dark they didn't know who the two fools were (us) - how lucky
Today was big washing day as well. It took ages to wash clothes for 5 girls. Atm it is 22.48pm and the last clothes still got 23min left in the dryer -it's gonna take all night, but imagine wet towels in a packed bag for a couple of days... quite smelly!
Another funny thing that happened today was Lukas: Julie you look like my old hostmum, her name was Julie too... Yous got same shape and behavior! -It completely cracked my up! Just to mention this has been the best day and hopefully there's more of those to come. Im feeling quite tired and it's only day 3 but so far so good. Tomorrow will be the 7, 8, 9 instead of 6, 7, 8 so a bit of a sleep in!
Good night from here!
tirsdag den 17. maj 2011
Rotary Surprise
16th May 2011
Bronwyn drove me to rotary as always, where this monday was especially meaningful to me. A few people gave me a little present. I got heaps of birthday cards and whishes.
After the fining session suddenly a servant came in with a massive purple/pink birthday cake saying: Happy 17th Birthday Julie!
I almost screamed and didnt now what to do! It was so beautiful, I've never had a cake like that before in my entire life. It was even yummy but very rich I reckon ha ha
I went to blow out to little candles in the cake but did it too quick, so cheryl didn't get the photo so they put light in them again but this time I couldnt blow them out! -a massive laugh spread in the whole room.
What a lovely night and what a lovely club I got! Im so thankful to everybody!
and by the way, I still got heaps of the cake left :D
Im not fat, Im an exchangestudent!!!
Bronwyn drove me to rotary as always, where this monday was especially meaningful to me. A few people gave me a little present. I got heaps of birthday cards and whishes.
After the fining session suddenly a servant came in with a massive purple/pink birthday cake saying: Happy 17th Birthday Julie!
I almost screamed and didnt now what to do! It was so beautiful, I've never had a cake like that before in my entire life. It was even yummy but very rich I reckon ha ha
I went to blow out to little candles in the cake but did it too quick, so cheryl didn't get the photo so they put light in them again but this time I couldnt blow them out! -a massive laugh spread in the whole room.
What a lovely night and what a lovely club I got! Im so thankful to everybody!
and by the way, I still got heaps of the cake left :D
Im not fat, Im an exchangestudent!!!
Birthday in the city
15th May 2011
Sara and I catched the train to the city to meet up with some exchangestudents + Katrina and Matt from school to have some kind of Birthday dinner for me. Another Sara (Finish girl from my school) joined us ! At the Opera House we met Laura, Luiza and Kilian! Soon Katrina came, and later heaps of the other exchange students + Matt. Basically we were just chilling, walking around in the city, which was really nice -especially to catch up with people. Early evening we ordered Pizza's and went to hydepark where we sat whilst eating!
I held a speech from the bottom of my belly. And we just generally had a nice atmosphere so again an amazing bday event! Katrina's dad came to pick her up so I got to say hello to him as well which was a nice bonus!
Sara and I catched the train to the city to meet up with some exchangestudents + Katrina and Matt from school to have some kind of Birthday dinner for me. Another Sara (Finish girl from my school) joined us ! At the Opera House we met Laura, Luiza and Kilian! Soon Katrina came, and later heaps of the other exchange students + Matt. Basically we were just chilling, walking around in the city, which was really nice -especially to catch up with people. Early evening we ordered Pizza's and went to hydepark where we sat whilst eating!
I held a speech from the bottom of my belly. And we just generally had a nice atmosphere so again an amazing bday event! Katrina's dad came to pick her up so I got to say hello to him as well which was a nice bonus!
My 17th Birthday
14th may 2011
After a nice shower, Brian, Lucy and I went to the shops, I had decided to cook them traditional danish dinner on my Birthday so now I had to find the ingredients. I thought it would be a challenge, but not really I found it all in the village center which was good.
I started cooking straight after we came back for the shops: Duck with brown gravy, brown potatoes, potatoes, chips, redcabbage in a jar, cucumber salat and for dessert: Daim Icecream!
Basically I cooked most of the day, around 4-5ish Annie and I picked up Sara from the station, she was sleeping over + we picked Emma from school up, she was staying over for dinner.
Of course the theme was Denmark, so we all wore red and white clothes! The table was covered in flags, and even the peanut cubcakes Annie made for afternoon tea was covered in red iceing with white chocolate bottoms.
Emma gave me a gorgeous bracelet saying: Forever Friends, and on the back: Jordbær
Which in Danish means strawberry (My nickname for Emma)
Sara gave me the most thoughtful present i've ever been given -a pink little sack full of different little notes like: a bag full of pure luck etc. It was brilliant!
Sara, Lucy and I danced the peacock dance which was quite funny. Soon it became time for dinner! Everything was cooked so perfectly and I was proud as! Best thing: Family and friends loved it :)
But one thing I found out was: .....cream here is very different from danish cream.... so my icecream didn't turn out as good, as it should have been. But still my dinner had been succes.
Emma got picked up early and Sara/I watched the European Song contest in the teli! Denmark was amazing, a really good song<3
We watched a couple of other movies and it got late. We slept in the living room in front of the teli, so yer I fell asleep in the mittle of one of the movies.
But final conclusion: Aussie birthday is just as good as danish!
Thanks to everyone, I had the most splendid day ever!
God damn, who's calling me this time a day? Happy Birthday Julie!!!! We miss youuuuu!
-Mille & Rie, my two best friends from Denmark, managed to wake me up on my birthday, what a lovely surprise!
Afterwards I went to my parents bedroom with Lucy where I got my pressies from my lovely family (Kieren wasn't home) Lucy gave me a cowtorch, as the farmer girl i am! I got a keyring, a beautiful scarf and a silver bracelet with small charms you can put on (OperaHouse, Kangaroo and Australia) Brian made us pancakes for breaky with his pancake music playing in the background.
It was a cold morning but the most beautiful morning sun showed! What a good girl I've been this year! After a nice shower, Brian, Lucy and I went to the shops, I had decided to cook them traditional danish dinner on my Birthday so now I had to find the ingredients. I thought it would be a challenge, but not really I found it all in the village center which was good.
I started cooking straight after we came back for the shops: Duck with brown gravy, brown potatoes, potatoes, chips, redcabbage in a jar, cucumber salat and for dessert: Daim Icecream!
Basically I cooked most of the day, around 4-5ish Annie and I picked up Sara from the station, she was sleeping over + we picked Emma from school up, she was staying over for dinner.
Of course the theme was Denmark, so we all wore red and white clothes! The table was covered in flags, and even the peanut cubcakes Annie made for afternoon tea was covered in red iceing with white chocolate bottoms.
Emma gave me a gorgeous bracelet saying: Forever Friends, and on the back: Jordbær
Which in Danish means strawberry (My nickname for Emma)
Sara gave me the most thoughtful present i've ever been given -a pink little sack full of different little notes like: a bag full of pure luck etc. It was brilliant!
Sara, Lucy and I danced the peacock dance which was quite funny. Soon it became time for dinner! Everything was cooked so perfectly and I was proud as! Best thing: Family and friends loved it :)
But one thing I found out was: .....cream here is very different from danish cream.... so my icecream didn't turn out as good, as it should have been. But still my dinner had been succes.
Emma got picked up early and Sara/I watched the European Song contest in the teli! Denmark was amazing, a really good song<3
We watched a couple of other movies and it got late. We slept in the living room in front of the teli, so yer I fell asleep in the mittle of one of the movies.
But final conclusion: Aussie birthday is just as good as danish!
Thanks to everyone, I had the most splendid day ever!
torsdag den 12. maj 2011
1st Day
16th April 2011 - My Safari adventure starts
I hurried to Penrith with Lucy and Annie to get a Wally hat- and I sure did! It's ugly but at least I got a flynet attached. Anyhow the coach was supposed to leave at 9.45am but was over an hour late. A lot of waiting time so we all waited in the Plaza. The boys went shopping while us girls sat at Gloria Jeans. Finally the adults called us and said the Coach was getting closer, so they picked us up and drove us to the picking up place.
Finally we got on the bus, I was so excited but nervous at the same time! I mean 41 Lovely kids but who knows how we all will get along? Will I feel left out or will we all be like one big family?
Sara and I sat next to eachother near the other swiss/german chicks Alex and Jana. The whole bus was humming like a big group of bee's all with the same feeling I am sure: Excitement!!!
The weather was cloudy and rainy, not the kind of weather I would prefer to camp in -remember it's a camping safari!
Anyhow after a while we got the Wollongong kids on board, finally the whole team gathered. Laura (danish chick) got on here and we shared a 2 mans seat with Sara. A little squeezy.
It was a long trip to Gundagai but with the most beautiful sunset, really bogan aussie songs and people singing along, it wasn't too bad. People started to have a few naps and I tried but was too full of excitement! -it kept me awake. Around 5ish we got to our first camp.
Layse (Brasilian) who was my tent buddie for the night, and I were the first to get our tents up, after a quick instruction from our driver Mark! -well we must have been listening.
Back at camp we played footie but when we stopped playing, people had shower and settled in it got FREEZING!
Amazing that you just cuddle up with whoever that stands next to you even though we don't know eachother, I love that, I love people like that.
Anyhow better get some sleep, I'm off to bed!
the night between the 16th-17th was freezing, my sleepingbag wasn't long enough and Layse found dead creaps in our tents and she freaked out so I woke up and had to remove them! Hilarous!!! She was so scared. and btw. I hate camping, you can hear sounds all the time, it keeps you awake. Let's hope sleeping in tents will get better.
Visiting the GP instead of the Airport
Back to school again. It's kind of hard to go back and everything is just normal. I miss the safari and its people so SO unbelievable much! I think of it everyday and Im kind of unmotivated to do a lot of things -especially at school. It was nice to see people from school again though.
Today I had school of. I was ment to go and say goodbye to my dear Braaaaw (Paul, germany) but had to go to the GP fist (the doctor) on the safari I got some weird rash kind of thing in my face, apparently it's schoolsore or something, so she gave me a prescription on some stuff. My first visit at the doctors since I came to Australia, thought I would manage a whole year without but apparently not. Anyhow the GP ran 40min late so I missed the train and my goodbye to Paul ):
Such a shame! Makes me feel bad in a way, but hopefully there were heaps of other people to tell him goodbye and good luck. Meanwhile Annie and I tried to claim back what we paid at the doctors ($56 + $16) SO expensive when you compare to the danish system, which is free... Anyhow at least I'll be all fixed up soon (hopefully) So a pretty quiet day, just sewing some stuff on my Rotary Blazer while watching a couple of movies, and baking bread.
My week was quite relaxed as well. Started out monday with loosing my phone, apparently I just left it on my table in english, but I found it again, so all good. Tuesday I got my maths test back, I became no. 1 in class, so got a little diploma -awesome. + I sold heaps of raffle tickets so I won a $30 Voucher for Itunes, EPIC!! so yer a pretty good week. Now let's see how my weekend and my birthday turns out...
Today I had school of. I was ment to go and say goodbye to my dear Braaaaw (Paul, germany) but had to go to the GP fist (the doctor) on the safari I got some weird rash kind of thing in my face, apparently it's schoolsore or something, so she gave me a prescription on some stuff. My first visit at the doctors since I came to Australia, thought I would manage a whole year without but apparently not. Anyhow the GP ran 40min late so I missed the train and my goodbye to Paul ):
Such a shame! Makes me feel bad in a way, but hopefully there were heaps of other people to tell him goodbye and good luck. Meanwhile Annie and I tried to claim back what we paid at the doctors ($56 + $16) SO expensive when you compare to the danish system, which is free... Anyhow at least I'll be all fixed up soon (hopefully) So a pretty quiet day, just sewing some stuff on my Rotary Blazer while watching a couple of movies, and baking bread.
My week was quite relaxed as well. Started out monday with loosing my phone, apparently I just left it on my table in english, but I found it again, so all good. Tuesday I got my maths test back, I became no. 1 in class, so got a little diploma -awesome. + I sold heaps of raffle tickets so I won a $30 Voucher for Itunes, EPIC!! so yer a pretty good week. Now let's see how my weekend and my birthday turns out...
Mothers day
8th May 2011
Safari is over! Im starting to realise that It's not coming back. The best 3 weeks of my life without exaggeration. It was nice to see the family again, but after an hour home I missed my buddies on the bus, sleeping in tents and even Kitchen duty, which we all hated. I will try to blog my diary for the safari with photos etc, so you can get an idea of what I've been doing, even though you can't imagine how awesome the whole trip was. The inside jokes, the cuddles, the everything is only things that us 41 students can describe! But I will try.
So sunday it was mothers day. I was a bit depressed. Coming home to the cold cold mountains is no fun (10-15 degrees) -freezing! Besides that the weather was lovely, the most beautiful winter sun. Kieren and Brian went to football in the morning. Annie, Lucy and I packed the car and drove to Mt. Tomah (Botanic garden) where we met some family/friends of theirs to celebrate mothers day. The boys came along later on. We had tea, coffee, lunch and cake! A really lovely day, with heaps of talk. It's starting to get dark early so the day went by pretty quick.
I had bought Annie a mothers day card on my safari, and missed out on waking her up in the morning (I slept in) but still I reckon she had a nice day so that's all good.
Finish and Over for now, amen!
Safari is over! Im starting to realise that It's not coming back. The best 3 weeks of my life without exaggeration. It was nice to see the family again, but after an hour home I missed my buddies on the bus, sleeping in tents and even Kitchen duty, which we all hated. I will try to blog my diary for the safari with photos etc, so you can get an idea of what I've been doing, even though you can't imagine how awesome the whole trip was. The inside jokes, the cuddles, the everything is only things that us 41 students can describe! But I will try.
So sunday it was mothers day. I was a bit depressed. Coming home to the cold cold mountains is no fun (10-15 degrees) -freezing! Besides that the weather was lovely, the most beautiful winter sun. Kieren and Brian went to football in the morning. Annie, Lucy and I packed the car and drove to Mt. Tomah (Botanic garden) where we met some family/friends of theirs to celebrate mothers day. The boys came along later on. We had tea, coffee, lunch and cake! A really lovely day, with heaps of talk. It's starting to get dark early so the day went by pretty quick.
I had bought Annie a mothers day card on my safari, and missed out on waking her up in the morning (I slept in) but still I reckon she had a nice day so that's all good.
Finish and Over for now, amen!
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