tirsdag den 24. maj 2011


Hi everybody!
So it's already a couple of weeks ago since I came home from my safari. I had planned to put up my diary for the whole trip but it's more than 20 days to write and edit photos for, so I've decided after finishing 3 of the days not to do the rest, but consentrate on what's happening around me now.
All I can say is that the trip was the best time of my life, I made friends for a lifetime and saw the most spetacular things you can imagine! And Ill promise to tell you all about it in person next time you see me (just remember to ask)

Time is going so quick and I only got 6 weeks left in this beautiful country. It's both sad and exciting at the same time, but one thing is for sure! I am going to miss this place heaps!

Unbelieveable how much I've experienced during the last 10 months!
Today Sara (Finish girl from school) and I went for a coffee and walked home afterwards which was really nice and good exercise. I have realised that during my time on exchange I have gained whole 12kg so it's about time I do something about it. So today I walked to school (1hrs walk), home from springwood (45min walk) and walked our dog Albert too (20-30min walk) so Im quite satisfied with all of my walking ha ha !

Anyhow just letting you all now that I am still alive and well, but dont expect more contributions about my safari.

Love Julie

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