Andrea's mum and Dave picked Bronwyn and I up at 8am, all packed and ready for Melbourne. We drove all 5 to Sydney airport, Andreas parents were going to Darwin for the week so we all checked in 2gether. Me and Andy were so excited, jumping and dancing! Melboune yaaay. We had some coffee, I did my marilyn monroe and we all said goodbye. In the airplan finally on our way, listening to various music channels and taking heaps of photos of clouds, clouds and clouds again!
When we arrived in Melbourne we catched a taxi to the docklands (new part of Melbourne right on the habour) the building on the photo is where we lived. quite nice, 2nd floor 2 rooms and a kitchen + bathroom. the thing was just that there were only double beds so Andrea and I had to shared :O wasnt that bad really.
We packed out our stuff and catch the city circle -a tram that goes all around the city, and tells you about all the touristy stuff. The tram is free but only the city circle trams the other trams works as buses and trains kinda. It s really adorable. We found out quickly that we only lived like 50m away from a shopping outlet center, so after our little trip on the tram me and andi went there to check out the shops! paradise uhmmm :) Near the shopping center, actually on the habour different sculptures were placed. Andi and I tried to look like them while Bronwyn took the photos (: It was a really nice day. Before dinner Andi and I went for a swim in the pool on the 4th floor! We dressed up for dinner, but note Andi's shoes. I dont know wether she was stressed or what happened but arent they 2 different colours?? HAHA anyhow we went out for dinner LOVELY! We went to the italian part of Melbourne to eat. This guy stood out on the street and stopped people trying to convince them to eat at his resturant, well it worked on me so we ate italian there, it was so good. Suddenly this lady came over and just stood in front of our table, I was told to be quiet and Bronwyn wasnt paying attention but when she did, surprise, it was one of her dear friends haha! later on this family sat on a table a bit from us. It was a daughter, 2 sons our age and their parents anyhow andi thought that she knew them but she just couldnt remeber the boys name so the rest of the dinner we made names up for this boy! we were laughing so much all 3 and his mum started looking at us cause they knew we were talking about them cause we kept starring to see what type of name would suit this boy. Andy meant it was a name from the bible: david? Jesus? Josef? Johannes? Isac? we just kept finding new names, but andi refused to go ask them if she knew them even though she was convinced. we left the resturant but a few meters away we stopped. Bronwyn was LAUGHING while me and andi tried to take
this serious. In the end we went to the family and andi ask: is this the ??? family?
they looked at us confused and they said no no. haha they were from another country how funny! we RAN away laughing so so much, nearly died lol
The sunset was amazing, the most pink, purple, orange sky i've ever seen!
Another thing we experienced was that the docklands are so new that not even the taxi drivers know how to get there! The driver from the airport had problems just like the guy after dinner lol (: But look at the sky on the photos im still Amazed! First day in Melbourne a few more to come! A great start I must say with lots of fun, Im sure it ll continue that way hopefully. goodnight.
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