This evening I've spend with Caique and the Rotarians in Westmeat at a Ronald Mcdonald house. It's a place where very sick children, -often cancer can go with their families away from hospital and just get a break. We provided them with food and good mood. When I was getting showed around, the very child friendly Caique fell in love with this little cute boy, they started playing (Awww) so I joined them, and we ended playing the whole evening with the most loveable kids! When we had to leave the question was: Will you come back here again?
Not being able to say yes 100% made me sad, it's nice to know youre doing a difference.
Afterwards I left with this feeling that no matter how big problems you got, they are nothing compared to what these kids/families are struggling with everyday ! Something that you easily forget on a normal day!
tirsdag den 30. november 2010
mandag den 29. november 2010
I dont think it is getting worse now
I came home this evening and the whole house had a blackout. No lights at all worked, so I have been running around with this little candle, trying to light up thinks I wanted to see. To make everything even worse, it is raining so so much and freezing as.
GODNIGHT -Winter duna I love you<3
GODNIGHT -Winter duna I love you<3
week 47
Not much happened. The school was very empty, the end of the year and sailing trip, so I ended up being the only person in my roll kur! But friday the sailors came back, I got drama off so just having fun with my Mandy Mus, Kim and Steve :D
So this year there is a bit of lack when it comes to snow. Therefore my sweet mummy send me these photos me make me really homesick and jaloux!
This is how it looks right now, in Denmark at my house, how beautifull and worth to miss<3:
This is how it looks right now, in Denmark at my house, how beautifull and worth to miss<3:
søndag den 28. november 2010
So this weekend included friday has been very eventful!
Bronwyn and I went to the city, had dinner at this very cute little italian resturant! They made the best Pizza''s ever! We had to wait outside the resturant to get in and get a table, -cause they dont take reservations. I've never seen it before but pizza with pumpkin is delicious as! lovin big time (:
Afterwards we went to the Rocks markets just lookin a all these stores and funny events clowns, masks etc. and then we catched a fairy just to sail around the habour while it was dark! How beautiful, like i tried to take photos of it, but its just not the same as when you see it with your own eyes<3 I can recommend that, it was a really lovely daughter/mum night, and think we were home at like 12 so a pretty long day !
Saturday I went shortly to the rotary BBQ to pick up Caique.. the plan was to go to the beach with Paula and Vickii but because of rail work we had to catch the bus (which was intense, sleeping old men, screaming babies, complaining people, and women who tells them off) anyhow Paula Caique and I just walked around, having a good time, and later we catched up with my lovely Romeo Vickii<3
So today I went to Penrith with Steve.. walking around the Plaza and then to the cinema watchin the 3D jackass movie! FUNNY AS! I nearly died laughing haha, afterwards we bumped into Mandy Mus my favourite girl so a really really good day even though the weather was wet as. When I came home I saw something weird in the driveway! WORMS EWWW! IT WAS DISGUSTING AND THEY HAD LIKE REAL BIG LEGS! bronwyn removed them and put them in like 4 plasticbags haha! so like 10minutes ago i went to the bathroom and i saw 2 MASSIVE spiders, so i took my thongs and KILLED THEM! brutally i know -and im not born to be a spider hunter eww.. funny thing was that Bronwyn turned up and was like: Julie are you killing spiders (guess I was a bit noisy haha UPS
So I choose to name the 28th November: THE CREEPS DAY
So this weekend included friday has been very eventful!
Bronwyn and I went to the city, had dinner at this very cute little italian resturant! They made the best Pizza''s ever! We had to wait outside the resturant to get in and get a table, -cause they dont take reservations. I've never seen it before but pizza with pumpkin is delicious as! lovin big time (:
Afterwards we went to the Rocks markets just lookin a all these stores and funny events clowns, masks etc. and then we catched a fairy just to sail around the habour while it was dark! How beautiful, like i tried to take photos of it, but its just not the same as when you see it with your own eyes<3 I can recommend that, it was a really lovely daughter/mum night, and think we were home at like 12 so a pretty long day !
Saturday I went shortly to the rotary BBQ to pick up Caique.. the plan was to go to the beach with Paula and Vickii but because of rail work we had to catch the bus (which was intense, sleeping old men, screaming babies, complaining people, and women who tells them off) anyhow Paula Caique and I just walked around, having a good time, and later we catched up with my lovely Romeo Vickii<3
So today I went to Penrith with Steve.. walking around the Plaza and then to the cinema watchin the 3D jackass movie! FUNNY AS! I nearly died laughing haha, afterwards we bumped into Mandy Mus my favourite girl so a really really good day even though the weather was wet as. When I came home I saw something weird in the driveway! WORMS EWWW! IT WAS DISGUSTING AND THEY HAD LIKE REAL BIG LEGS! bronwyn removed them and put them in like 4 plasticbags haha! so like 10minutes ago i went to the bathroom and i saw 2 MASSIVE spiders, so i took my thongs and KILLED THEM! brutally i know -and im not born to be a spider hunter eww.. funny thing was that Bronwyn turned up and was like: Julie are you killing spiders (guess I was a bit noisy haha UPS
So I choose to name the 28th November: THE CREEPS DAY
onsdag den 24. november 2010
Christmas Shopping
Bronwyn and I went christmas shopping up the mountains in a little very cute house full of christmas things. The christmas carols was playing, wine was served and different christmas snacks as well. Bronwyn found some really good things, and I ended up being the basket holder ha ha
It was an amazing little place and now I feel more in a christmas mood than before, even though its not the same.
On the way home in the car we started talking about traditions, things they dont have in Australia so far: TV christmas kalenders, Lucia march, advent (apprently that is a catholic tradition), snow, dancing around the christmas tree, Risalamande and risengrød!!
How is it ever gonna be christmas?
It was an amazing little place and now I feel more in a christmas mood than before, even though its not the same.
On the way home in the car we started talking about traditions, things they dont have in Australia so far: TV christmas kalenders, Lucia march, advent (apprently that is a catholic tradition), snow, dancing around the christmas tree, Risalamande and risengrød!!
How is it ever gonna be christmas?
2nd day Canberra
So packing it all up again, ready to leave. We all were dressed up and ready for baby Clairs baptism. The church really surprised me, like it was so moderns. young people playing in a band with bass, drums etc. and full of small kids and noise. But it was nice, really nice. they were like a family and the preacher was so good preaching about things you easily can relate to.
After the baptism we went to a little park, just family and a few friends eating luch. very relxed and nice company, me fooling around with emily for a while (:
Around 15pm we headed for home after a very pleasant weekend.
So packing it all up again, ready to leave. We all were dressed up and ready for baby Clairs baptism. The church really surprised me, like it was so moderns. young people playing in a band with bass, drums etc. and full of small kids and noise. But it was nice, really nice. they were like a family and the preacher was so good preaching about things you easily can relate to.
After the baptism we went to a little park, just family and a few friends eating luch. very relxed and nice company, me fooling around with emily for a while (:
Around 15pm we headed for home after a very pleasant weekend.
lørdag den 20. november 2010
So finally we reached Canberra. We got checked in at the Motel, so a good start, with lovely weather as well. First thing to do: Babysit the lovely girls Emily & Claire<3 Awwww
Babies are the cutest and most innocent creatures on earth!
Everybody arrived and we drove to the city to eat at a very nice resturant/cafe thing... Very very good and energic with 4 small girls from the age nearly 6 weeks to around 2 years. I really enjoyed those little creatures, when we went home I carried Emily again and guess what?? I found a purple balloon, how lucky haha (:
We had desert and coffee home, talking, having a nice time, playing with baby girls nawwww
Week 46
I've done so much this week. But I cant remember what! Therefore Im writing this, just to try to refresh my memory, so let me think ...
Monday . Rotary as always, nothing new in that. When we arrived as the first thing I bumped into my bro Jesse and his mum! I said hi and started talking. Then Jesse and I looked over at his mum and she was fully talking to my hostmum haha! we were like wtf do they know each other?? apparently they did, funny as. 3 Lovely ladies came to talk about nursing of people who are dying. A very sensitive subject, but very interesting as well. Sean's brother joined Rotary for the night with Warwick. Caique and I spoke in the Club about all our activities the last couple of weeks: Sculptures but the sea, Manly beach surf day and Bushwalk in the RNP. We were very unprepared, but with jokes and a good mood we survived that as well. Our fining section became a big thing, Caique and I could keep fining each other the whole night! Funny as, it is the best time during Rotary nights. One of the fine was: The week before Caique invited me to his house after school, reason why: So he wouldnt be bored. When we came home he started cleaning his bathroom -and he wanted me to help, he told me that it was why he invited me over excatly that day! I was rather disappointed so when I held a bucket of water I said: 'this is very tempting' and I threw the water at him. The floor was very slippery and with a big reaction from Caique, he fell right on his arse! HAHA couldnt stop laugh! It was hilarious, funny as. -and totally worth it.
Tuesday . Rain, Rain, Rain, Heavy Rain... I had 2 free periods in the end of the school day so I went to say hi to Stephen. Reason why he wasnt at school: The little fool lost the massive ion thing on the drains on his big toe. Of course he didnt wear shoes, so It crashed the toe completely. Ewww.. Anyway I had to catch the bus after school ended cause Bronwyn and I were ment to go shopping. Unfortuneatly I left stephens house a bit too late, so I had to run after the bus. In the same second as I saw the buses they started driving and I was like: FUCK IT!!! a teacher heard me and a boy in the bus saw me, so lucky me, the bus stopped!! -Exercise of the day and I learned that you have to leave in good time before the buses go. Haha! Apparently heaps of peole saw me run, how embarrasing!
But I got home in time, Bronwyn and I went to get a few things and the see her new grandchild -a little adorable girl<3
Wednesday . I woke up in the morning, planning to go to Stephens house, but then Bronwyn told me that Caique would come over straight after school and stay for dinner. So plan changed! But nevermind... It was fun, first thing we did after school was to rape the fridge! Yummy Yummy Bronwyn always have heaps of delicious food, lovin big time. And then time to do our Pdhpe assignment for friday. I was so not keen, and Caique the NERD did part one while I still worked on getting started (which I never did) But it was fun, I had a great time annoying my Brazillian Friend! (:
Thursday . Went to Penrith with Caique. Met my lovely Emma<3 at the station and Kim. On the train I bumped into Jenya so we talked the whole way to Penrith (I love that girl) she is awesomeness! In Penrith Kim walked with us for a while, cause she was waiting for Alex. Afterwards Caique and I continued our shopping, very funny! And as always I bumped into Jesse and Khye my two amazing brothers (: I always meet them in Penrith, I was standing in this shop and suddenly I heard these voices: Julieeeeeeeeeeeeeee and I was like who tf is that?? But anyway think I was home around 8pm a very nice day ! Caiqueee and I bought incense for our rooms -smells really nice! -first thing Caique wrote to me when I was home : My room smells nice (not like pussy) HAHA! Lovin that kid. Worked on my Pdhpe assignment for friday, cause I really like my teacher and today we got our yearly report and all my comments were really good, so I think I owe them haha (cause the truth is im doing nothin at school)
Friday . Straight home after school, cleaning my bathroom and then Bronwyn and her mum came home. Her mum was staying over for the night cause we're going to Canberra this weekend! Im quite impressed how young she is, and she is a lovely lady. We had an amazing dinner as always and then I went to bed early :)
Today . So far... Im sitting in the car with Bronwyn and her mum. On our way to a family thing in Canberra this weekend. (: Ill tell you more later on!
Monday . Rotary as always, nothing new in that. When we arrived as the first thing I bumped into my bro Jesse and his mum! I said hi and started talking. Then Jesse and I looked over at his mum and she was fully talking to my hostmum haha! we were like wtf do they know each other?? apparently they did, funny as. 3 Lovely ladies came to talk about nursing of people who are dying. A very sensitive subject, but very interesting as well. Sean's brother joined Rotary for the night with Warwick. Caique and I spoke in the Club about all our activities the last couple of weeks: Sculptures but the sea, Manly beach surf day and Bushwalk in the RNP. We were very unprepared, but with jokes and a good mood we survived that as well. Our fining section became a big thing, Caique and I could keep fining each other the whole night! Funny as, it is the best time during Rotary nights. One of the fine was: The week before Caique invited me to his house after school, reason why: So he wouldnt be bored. When we came home he started cleaning his bathroom -and he wanted me to help, he told me that it was why he invited me over excatly that day! I was rather disappointed so when I held a bucket of water I said: 'this is very tempting' and I threw the water at him. The floor was very slippery and with a big reaction from Caique, he fell right on his arse! HAHA couldnt stop laugh! It was hilarious, funny as. -and totally worth it.
Tuesday . Rain, Rain, Rain, Heavy Rain... I had 2 free periods in the end of the school day so I went to say hi to Stephen. Reason why he wasnt at school: The little fool lost the massive ion thing on the drains on his big toe. Of course he didnt wear shoes, so It crashed the toe completely. Ewww.. Anyway I had to catch the bus after school ended cause Bronwyn and I were ment to go shopping. Unfortuneatly I left stephens house a bit too late, so I had to run after the bus. In the same second as I saw the buses they started driving and I was like: FUCK IT!!! a teacher heard me and a boy in the bus saw me, so lucky me, the bus stopped!! -Exercise of the day and I learned that you have to leave in good time before the buses go. Haha! Apparently heaps of peole saw me run, how embarrasing!
But I got home in time, Bronwyn and I went to get a few things and the see her new grandchild -a little adorable girl<3
Wednesday . I woke up in the morning, planning to go to Stephens house, but then Bronwyn told me that Caique would come over straight after school and stay for dinner. So plan changed! But nevermind... It was fun, first thing we did after school was to rape the fridge! Yummy Yummy Bronwyn always have heaps of delicious food, lovin big time. And then time to do our Pdhpe assignment for friday. I was so not keen, and Caique the NERD did part one while I still worked on getting started (which I never did) But it was fun, I had a great time annoying my Brazillian Friend! (:
Thursday . Went to Penrith with Caique. Met my lovely Emma<3 at the station and Kim. On the train I bumped into Jenya so we talked the whole way to Penrith (I love that girl) she is awesomeness! In Penrith Kim walked with us for a while, cause she was waiting for Alex. Afterwards Caique and I continued our shopping, very funny! And as always I bumped into Jesse and Khye my two amazing brothers (: I always meet them in Penrith, I was standing in this shop and suddenly I heard these voices: Julieeeeeeeeeeeeeee and I was like who tf is that?? But anyway think I was home around 8pm a very nice day ! Caiqueee and I bought incense for our rooms -smells really nice! -first thing Caique wrote to me when I was home : My room smells nice (not like pussy) HAHA! Lovin that kid. Worked on my Pdhpe assignment for friday, cause I really like my teacher and today we got our yearly report and all my comments were really good, so I think I owe them haha (cause the truth is im doing nothin at school)
Friday . Straight home after school, cleaning my bathroom and then Bronwyn and her mum came home. Her mum was staying over for the night cause we're going to Canberra this weekend! Im quite impressed how young she is, and she is a lovely lady. We had an amazing dinner as always and then I went to bed early :)
Today . So far... Im sitting in the car with Bronwyn and her mum. On our way to a family thing in Canberra this weekend. (: Ill tell you more later on!
tirsdag den 16. november 2010
A rather normal day
Free periods
~24 degrees
A very normal day, almost too normal but then.... I thought ... :; RUN!!!
After school I almost missed the bus -let me say it simple, that was todays exercise, just warming up for tomorrow SQUASH session. Which reminds me of that I gave me 'SQUASH' teacher high five today at lunch, AWESOMENESS or not??
After school Bronwyn and I went shopping a few things -and I saw her new granddaughter, cute as (:
Free periods
~24 degrees
A very normal day, almost too normal but then.... I thought ... :; RUN!!!
After school I almost missed the bus -let me say it simple, that was todays exercise, just warming up for tomorrow SQUASH session. Which reminds me of that I gave me 'SQUASH' teacher high five today at lunch, AWESOMENESS or not??
After school Bronwyn and I went shopping a few things -and I saw her new granddaughter, cute as (:
søndag den 14. november 2010
Surfing at Manly
Today was a big day! Ready for beach: Towel, Sun screen, Sharon, Thongs, Aloe Vera, Sunglasses, water etc (check)
We catched the train to Blacktown (Caique, Shireen, Franziska, Paul, Yumi and I) met up with Lotta in Blacktown, catched the bus to circular quay and then fairy to Manly -Vicky, Sara, Charlotte and Alice joined us! The weather was hot as, sunny and just perfect for a beach day.
At the beach we joined Per and his hostfamily in the blue tent (:
And then ! ready for surfing school. 1st step: Swim suit -looked hot as haha! felt really sporty and comfi in them haha (:
2nd step: Carried our surfboards to the surf area.
3rd step: Our teachers explained about how to surf and how to act in the water.
The waves were massive and looked very threatning! But neverless surfiing -I had to try it.
So on my first try one of the teachers help me on the board and turned it into the beach for me. I reckon the hardest part in the diciplin is actually to get out into the water with surfboard, waves around you and strong current. The easiere part was the get back into the coast line. I had quite a few tries which went well - but I wouldnt call it surfing though! I was way to afraid to try standing on the board so I just kinda layed on it while the waves took me back. Unfortuneatly I got a very slim board which apparently makes it harder. But on my last try I swuped my board into a wider one. I got the teacher to carry my board out to the right waves and then! On my first try on the new board I stood the whole way into the coast! Yay I was flying! It felt amazing and I was screaming the whole way on the wave just of satisfaction. Im very proud -feel like a champ. By the time I leave Australia I'll be a pro surfer haha.
After our surf lesson , which went pretty good, we ate fish and chips on the beach -even though Im getting sick of it (eat it too often) The rotarians and some of the exchangers packed up and went home, but I stayed with a smaller group sunbaking. In the afternoon Alice, Paul, Caique and I went for a 'swim' or rather playing in the waves. The water wasnt even could, the waves massive so so so much fun!
But omg the current is so strong, and there is so much salt in the water that you eyes will hurt like Hell ! But it was worth it.
Heading back home which took ages (arrived at home 21.30pm) after an amazing day! -love those guys muchly <3
We catched the train to Blacktown (Caique, Shireen, Franziska, Paul, Yumi and I) met up with Lotta in Blacktown, catched the bus to circular quay and then fairy to Manly -Vicky, Sara, Charlotte and Alice joined us! The weather was hot as, sunny and just perfect for a beach day.
At the beach we joined Per and his hostfamily in the blue tent (:
And then ! ready for surfing school. 1st step: Swim suit -looked hot as haha! felt really sporty and comfi in them haha (:
2nd step: Carried our surfboards to the surf area.
3rd step: Our teachers explained about how to surf and how to act in the water.
The waves were massive and looked very threatning! But neverless surfiing -I had to try it.
So on my first try one of the teachers help me on the board and turned it into the beach for me. I reckon the hardest part in the diciplin is actually to get out into the water with surfboard, waves around you and strong current. The easiere part was the get back into the coast line. I had quite a few tries which went well - but I wouldnt call it surfing though! I was way to afraid to try standing on the board so I just kinda layed on it while the waves took me back. Unfortuneatly I got a very slim board which apparently makes it harder. But on my last try I swuped my board into a wider one. I got the teacher to carry my board out to the right waves and then! On my first try on the new board I stood the whole way into the coast! Yay I was flying! It felt amazing and I was screaming the whole way on the wave just of satisfaction. Im very proud -feel like a champ. By the time I leave Australia I'll be a pro surfer haha.
After our surf lesson , which went pretty good, we ate fish and chips on the beach -even though Im getting sick of it (eat it too often) The rotarians and some of the exchangers packed up and went home, but I stayed with a smaller group sunbaking. In the afternoon Alice, Paul, Caique and I went for a 'swim' or rather playing in the waves. The water wasnt even could, the waves massive so so so much fun!
But omg the current is so strong, and there is so much salt in the water that you eyes will hurt like Hell ! But it was worth it.
Heading back home which took ages (arrived at home 21.30pm) after an amazing day! -love those guys muchly <3
lørdag den 13. november 2010
Today I woke up in my old room, with my dear koalas. Early morning but with the sun shining, a hot day on its way. Yvonne, Warwick had breakfast -the tradtional egg & Bacon and afterwards we walked to the trainstation, catched the train and met up with Ted, Cheryl, Norm, Caique & Fay. Ready for a whole days journey.
When we reached Blacktown we had to catch a bus instead of train because of the track work -which just made the trip even longer. The bus was FULL so we had to split our little group into two. But we all made it to Circular Quay without any big troubles. From there we went to Sydney habour and after a little time waiting, we came on board on the boat, ready for an around 2 hours sailing trip to Wollongong. Weather was beautiful and while the rest of the group stayed on the second floor of the boat, Caique and I went to the top. I had ONE seasick tablet before depart, ready for a challenge. The first thing the crew told us was: If you know u'll get seasick dont stay at level 3, it is the worst level, and the most bouncy one. HAHA! We stayed and true it was like 2hrs of rollercoaster funny as, but I didnt get seasick at all.
We arrived at Wollongong, heaps of people on the beach. Got lunch and Caique and I walked around got and ice-cream (which melted within 1minute) and afterwards catched a bus to Wollongong train station. At the station we catched a steamtrain to Central (sydney) It was awesomeness! Like a real old steamtrain! all the cars were different like: Luxery, Standard, Cheap, dining car etc.
We had the windows open because of the heat, and Caique and I fell asleep. When I woke up again I felt like a black woman haha! I was covered in black pieces of cole from the train, which had come trough the window.
From Central we catched a bus back to Blacktown and from Blacktown train to Valley Heights and then home to Buena Vista rd in Winmalee :)
A very successful trip, with nice people, good company and perfect weather!
Only thing that went wrong in that trip was me: I got so so so sunburnt on my legs, but the funny thing is that I kept putting sunscreen on. So conclusion the Australian sun is crazy! -Aloe Vera Gel thank you!
When we reached Blacktown we had to catch a bus instead of train because of the track work -which just made the trip even longer. The bus was FULL so we had to split our little group into two. But we all made it to Circular Quay without any big troubles. From there we went to Sydney habour and after a little time waiting, we came on board on the boat, ready for an around 2 hours sailing trip to Wollongong. Weather was beautiful and while the rest of the group stayed on the second floor of the boat, Caique and I went to the top. I had ONE seasick tablet before depart, ready for a challenge. The first thing the crew told us was: If you know u'll get seasick dont stay at level 3, it is the worst level, and the most bouncy one. HAHA! We stayed and true it was like 2hrs of rollercoaster funny as, but I didnt get seasick at all.
We arrived at Wollongong, heaps of people on the beach. Got lunch and Caique and I walked around got and ice-cream (which melted within 1minute) and afterwards catched a bus to Wollongong train station. At the station we catched a steamtrain to Central (sydney) It was awesomeness! Like a real old steamtrain! all the cars were different like: Luxery, Standard, Cheap, dining car etc.
We had the windows open because of the heat, and Caique and I fell asleep. When I woke up again I felt like a black woman haha! I was covered in black pieces of cole from the train, which had come trough the window.
From Central we catched a bus back to Blacktown and from Blacktown train to Valley Heights and then home to Buena Vista rd in Winmalee :)
A very successful trip, with nice people, good company and perfect weather!
Only thing that went wrong in that trip was me: I got so so so sunburnt on my legs, but the funny thing is that I kept putting sunscreen on. So conclusion the Australian sun is crazy! -Aloe Vera Gel thank you!
fredag den 12. november 2010
Give your opinion!
Today it has been hot as! aprox 32 degrees, im boiling. After school I went straight to 20 foster st :)
A long talk with Warwick, Yvonne, Jean and a glas of Mango smoothies saved my day. So the plan is that Im gonna sleep over at their place and then tomorrow morning we are heading to Wollongong by boat :)
Its gonna be splendid! But ill tell about that later on.
I just quickly wanted to request you to click on the bottoms of my contributions, to give me your opinion as a little feedback thing Thanks
(Dislike, like, splendid, usefull)
A long talk with Warwick, Yvonne, Jean and a glas of Mango smoothies saved my day. So the plan is that Im gonna sleep over at their place and then tomorrow morning we are heading to Wollongong by boat :)
Its gonna be splendid! But ill tell about that later on.
I just quickly wanted to request you to click on the bottoms of my contributions, to give me your opinion as a little feedback thing Thanks
(Dislike, like, splendid, usefull)
torsdag den 11. november 2010
Sculptures by sea
Pat and Margareth picked Caique and I up around 9am this morning. Todays experiences was going to be sculptures by the sea. Which ment a schoolday off again :)
Sculptures by the sea is an exhibition at Bondi Beach of different sculptures from different countries. Denmark was represented twice and Norway + Sweden once -feel very proud haha!
Before we started, we had 'breakfast' at a Cafe with the view over Bondi! So Beautiful and we could already see that the day would turn out perfect! Not too windy, sunshine and good company.
Then we startet our walk. Walking by the coast taking funny photos with Margareth, looking and the sculptures and enjoying the nice weather. How splendid.
We had several laughs of the seedy minds of ours. haha. Halfway we came to Bronte beach where we dipped our feet in the nice cold water. The sculptures here was funny as and we took some hilarious photos that Margareth will give me at some stage. After our walk (a couple of hours) we drove to have lunch another place near by the sea. We had Fish and Chips (I had plenty of water as well) I cant believe how thirsty I get at 27 degress, but I felt very overheated indeed´. Caique was just laughing cause he can probably imagine me in summer then :)
After Lunch we had a little walk around, drove to see a special cliff where people commit suicide and afterwards back home, through all the traffic. It took ages so the two of us fell asleep on the backseat (Caique and I) -its getting a bad habit.
Conclusion: A very awesome day!
10-11-10 - Wednesday
Yesterday was the day where the play Blackrock was represented for the first time by some local youngsters in my area. Caique and I went to see it, to support them. A lot of kids from school turned up as well inclusive Sophie <3
I was rather suprised that I actually understood the whole play, which was these youngster having a party and suddenly one of the girls got found Murdered and raped. Really good job guys! Impressive.
Blackrock sneak peek preview
Yesterday was the day where the play Blackrock was represented for the first time by some local youngsters in my area. Caique and I went to see it, to support them. A lot of kids from school turned up as well inclusive Sophie <3
I was rather suprised that I actually understood the whole play, which was these youngster having a party and suddenly one of the girls got found Murdered and raped. Really good job guys! Impressive.
Blackrock sneak peek preview
Tirsdag d. 9 November 2010
A little ekstra from that they I completely forgot about! When Stephen and I went biking we suddenly stopped and Stephen was like look Julie: There on the road a MASSIVE phython snake! I almost shit in my pants, it looked really dangerous even though I found out later that they are harmless. That is what I call a real Aussie experience.
tirsdag den 9. november 2010
Always remember the key!
I finally went to school again. It was good to see everybody, but I missed my Sommerfugl heaps! <3 Instead the lovely Mandy Mus took over the entertainment.
A few highlights of the day:
1. Coloured Stephen's hair pink
2. Stephens mum broke a secret (our christmas presents)
3. Drawing seedy figures with Caique in pdhpe
4. Maths with Mandy Mus
5. All the new hair cuts and colours, that has changed in a few days.
6. Biking Around with Stephen for a few Hours
7. Thought I new the right way, but got lost on a bike
8. Forgot my key, locked out
9. Broke into the house
So let me just outline dot point 8 & 9. The case is that I normally always have my key in my wallet, but sunday I used the key and left it in my other bag, and forgot to put it back in my wallet. So locked out arghhh! What do you do then? First checking your bag an extra time, to make sure the key is not there. Second checking all the doors (you might be lucky who knows?) Third, realizing that some of the windows were open, and in that way sticking your hand inside and locking myself in. If I should say it myself, pretty good job Julie ;)
What an eventful but lovely day.
A few highlights of the day:
1. Coloured Stephen's hair pink
2. Stephens mum broke a secret (our christmas presents)
3. Drawing seedy figures with Caique in pdhpe
4. Maths with Mandy Mus
5. All the new hair cuts and colours, that has changed in a few days.
6. Biking Around with Stephen for a few Hours
7. Thought I new the right way, but got lost on a bike
8. Forgot my key, locked out
9. Broke into the house
So let me just outline dot point 8 & 9. The case is that I normally always have my key in my wallet, but sunday I used the key and left it in my other bag, and forgot to put it back in my wallet. So locked out arghhh! What do you do then? First checking your bag an extra time, to make sure the key is not there. Second checking all the doors (you might be lucky who knows?) Third, realizing that some of the windows were open, and in that way sticking your hand inside and locking myself in. If I should say it myself, pretty good job Julie ;)
What an eventful but lovely day.
David & Maureen Rayner
07.11.10 Sunday
So my club president and his wife got this wonderful oppotunity to babysit me for the weekend. Therefore we decided to go to Sydney. After a late breakfast, and driving all my stuff back to Bronwyn's around 12ish we headed to the city.
We went to the Wildlife Park at the Habour, The Aquarium and a lovely seafood resturant.
The day was awesomeness and they are great fun to be with!
A wombat is the cutest thing, Carlsberg is tasty <3 , creeps no thanks, Find nemo, Dori.
So my club president and his wife got this wonderful oppotunity to babysit me for the weekend. Therefore we decided to go to Sydney. After a late breakfast, and driving all my stuff back to Bronwyn's around 12ish we headed to the city.
We went to the Wildlife Park at the Habour, The Aquarium and a lovely seafood resturant.
The day was awesomeness and they are great fun to be with!
A wombat is the cutest thing, Carlsberg is tasty <3 , creeps no thanks, Find nemo, Dori.
WoOoOp WoOoOp
mandag den 8. november 2010
Royal National Park
- Arrived to the 'camp' very near the sea
- Put my tent up with the comment from Caique: 'Julie I'm gonna fine you on that at Rotary monday, that tent is retarded'. I must admit that there was a bit of truth in that.
- All wanted to go for a swim but when we came down there, the beach and water was full of some blue thingies, reminded me most of all of a retarded condom. Never the less if they touch you it'll sting like hell. So we didnt go for a swim.
- Sara & I going for a long walk collecting shells, -they are massive here and so beautiful
- Had a bondfire, really cozy
- Started cooking, had way too much food and was terrible as always -.-
- Chilled near the bondfire, Caique and I had a long talk.
- Started to rain, so we all went into our tents (I shared with Yumi)
- More rain.
- More rain.
- Trying to talk with Yumi but the poor thing is a bit shy and her english is a bit limited.
- Didnt want to leave her in the tent by herself so stayed with her instead having fun with the others, but at least I got a long sleep.
- Rained all night and woke up with a very sore neck and realizing that I forgot to close the rainsheild, so my things were wet as.
- Packed all our things up ready to go..
- and then Paul! -ahh Julie you got heaps of space can you carry my tent. why not? -.-
- Started the walk out with a massive hill, I would rather call it a moutain. Nearly had an heartattack.
- Paul found the custest creature on earth and picked it up! Awww
- After a looong while walking, we came to a carpark where we left our bags. From now on we only had to bring some snacks.
- Paul: Julie can I see what food you got left? me: sure. Paul: Haps ran away with my lunch.. ate it all arghhh.
- A rotarian felt bad for me and gave me an extra müslibar.
- Continued the walk on the beach, Caique and I in the very end talking.
- After a while I said to him: I wish It was a bit cooler.... 5minutes after pooring rain
- Experiencing being more wet than in a shower
- From now on Paul and Per swam in everything we came near! Waterfalls etc.
- Ended my walk with a massive talk with Sara and then... got lost on the carpark (important not in the bush but the CARPARK!) Embarrasing.
- End of the walk celebrating with a BBQ
- David and Maureen Picked Me and Caique up
- Both slept in the car
- Home, Shower, Sleep
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