Thursday evening Bronwyn drove me to David's house. She was going on a girls weekend and therefore David and Maureen had to 'babysit' me. All my hiking gear was packed and ready. Weight of the bag: 19kg perfekt If you want to break your back. Never the less it was reality. When I put the rucksack in the back of the car, ready to go I fell with it into the car. Bronwyn and I almost died of laughing. At David's him and I drove past Caique with some hiking gear and about 22pm it was time for some sleep, to collect all the energy nessescary for the bushwalk in the Royal National Park with all the exchange students the next day. -Which also ment that I got friday off school.

7.30am Friday 5th of November: Ready to go. David drove Caique and I to Penrith trainstation, where we met with Yumi (Japan) and Paul (Germany) I couldn't help to laugh a bit when I saw Paul, I dont know what his plan was but his rucksack wasnt anything speciel. Very small and yearh undescribeable. But I guess that is just how Paul always is. From Penrith the 4 of us had to catch the train to Central and from Central to Sutherland. While waiting in Penrith I fell over in a very funny way, when I wanted to put my rucksack on my back in a 'proper' way. The problem was that I was rather stucked! Especially when the to lazy bums Caique and Paul didnt give me a hand, but just stood laughing at me instead argh... Anyway I got up, we all got on the train which was full off people so there was no seats at all. Central: Almost running to catch the train to Sutherland. Met up with the amazing Vickii (Argentina) just talking having fun in the train ha ha those people are mad. But I love them anyways. At Sutherland station we met up with all the other exchangestudents from our district. a very funny hug when I had to say hi to Henni (Finland) The poor thing had a rucksack just as big as mine, hugging with it on is not easy :) After we all catched up, we got on a train to Otfort. A very little train station in the mittle of no where. I dont even think you can buy a train ticket there. It is just really a whole. But from there the bushwalk started. And it started out hard. really hard with a massive hill, or I would rather call it mountain haha but on the top wow it was beautiful. We could see the whole way to Wollongong. After a little snack break we started walking again, and now 2 younger aussieboys had Joined us: Kat one of the guys playing real aussie music omg! Almost overstepped the boarder haha! But it was funny as! Mostly I stayed behind, my rucksack was heavy as, and the speed downthere suited me very well.
Anyway to make this a bit shoter, a few highlights:
- Arrived to the 'camp' very near the sea
- Put my tent up with the comment from Caique: 'Julie I'm gonna fine you on that at Rotary monday, that tent is retarded'. I must admit that there was a bit of truth in that.
- All wanted to go for a swim but when we came down there, the beach and water was full of some blue thingies, reminded me most of all of a retarded condom. Never the less if they touch you it'll sting like hell. So we didnt go for a swim.
- Sara & I going for a long walk collecting shells, -they are massive here and so beautiful
- Had a bondfire, really cozy
- Started cooking, had way too much food and was terrible as always -.-
- Chilled near the bondfire, Caique and I had a long talk.
- Started to rain, so we all went into our tents (I shared with Yumi)
- More rain.
- More rain.
- Trying to talk with Yumi but the poor thing is a bit shy and her english is a bit limited.
- Didnt want to leave her in the tent by herself so stayed with her instead having fun with the others, but at least I got a long sleep.
- Rained all night and woke up with a very sore neck and realizing that I forgot to close the rainsheild, so my things were wet as.
- Packed all our things up ready to go..
- and then Paul! -ahh Julie you got heaps of space can you carry my tent. why not? -.-
- Started the walk out with a massive hill, I would rather call it a moutain. Nearly had an heartattack.
- Paul found the custest creature on earth and picked it up! Awww
- After a looong while walking, we came to a carpark where we left our bags. From now on we only had to bring some snacks.
- Paul: Julie can I see what food you got left? me: sure. Paul: Haps ran away with my lunch.. ate it all arghhh.
- A rotarian felt bad for me and gave me an extra müslibar.
- Continued the walk on the beach, Caique and I in the very end talking.
- After a while I said to him: I wish It was a bit cooler.... 5minutes after pooring rain
- Experiencing being more wet than in a shower
- From now on Paul and Per swam in everything we came near! Waterfalls etc.
- Ended my walk with a massive talk with Sara and then... got lost on the carpark (important not in the bush but the CARPARK!) Embarrasing.
- End of the walk celebrating with a BBQ
- David and Maureen Picked Me and Caique up
- Both slept in the car
- Home, Shower, Sleep
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