Yesterday I found this
P sign that, young people drive with, when there are getting their driver license, so I kindda kept it as a souvenir (: -I’m a bloody good tourist! So today all the bins were sat out on the street, to be picked up, looked awesome, so took some photos (I know I’m strange) anyway got on the bus, with the usually people, but also a Irish guy uh haha that has been the big “talk about subject” the last few day, cause these 35 young guys from Ireland were coming to play rugby against WHS –my school! All the girls’ kindda went crazy because loads were hosting them, really funny though, anyway a strange day but good. Talked to Emily, one of the voluntary at some youth program, who is giving us free Milo and cake every Wednesday! –I like very much wee<3 so talked with her for a while, and suddenly i found out that she actually knew my hosties (how weird is that?) anyway she invited me to some youngster stuff, if I wanted to, kindda cool.
Later again did senior science with Andrea (studying a chicken wing) interesting, finding the tendons, ligaments and joint! Just realized this evening what it actually is: sene, ledbånd and led. Later had sports (tennis, - I’m the new Caroline) Brazil/Denmark vs. the Aussie sheilas (Laura & Sophie) so much fun omg! I suck at it, but had loads of fun I can assure you. We Talked to some year 9 while walking back to school, afterwards stayed at school to watch the rugby game (we lost of course) :/ the Irish were so pro And we were so ... ehm haha! Anyway Bell and Dani went crazy with their camera (cause Irish guys are kindda hot<3) Haha I totally embarrassed them, when I took bells camera in front of the guys and said that they really wanted a photo of them, cause they were so hot, and then I took the photo omfg haha! They didn’t know what to do, so they just smiled to the camera! (I’m so good at this) Emma hosted one of the guys actually. Anyway Warwick and Yvonne picked me up at school, and then Lynda came by with a form I have to fill out for the ski trip :s ups haha –love her anyway. Went to Bill and Margaret’s house to borrow the internet, how awkward is that? Anyway I miss the internet so much): it’s actually kindda scary how much you are addicted to it. Tonight I’m going to Rayners house to pick up some ski gear (if we can get in contact with them) anyhow I’ll prob. survive wont I?
Trash |
Laura "doris" and Sophie <3 tennis buddies |
Caique the champ (or not) :p |
The irish team ufff! they were GOOD! |
The WHS team! lol a bit smaller i guess? hihi :p |
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