søndag den 15. august 2010


Internet still dosnt work.

Its freezing

Today i also wear thick socks to school...

Haha alright it isn’t that bad! Chilling with kim, later dani in the morning.

Normal school day i guess until food tech (: fun fun fun! There are this group of Japanese student on the school right now. Just visiting, and they had to do food tech with us! (Omelet with bacon and vegetables) they didn’t speak that much English so it was kindda funny! (think i was the one who enjoyed it most) tried to explain what bacon was made out of, so started to make these pig noises haha! And then later on i got one of the girls name (for facebook of course) and gave her my Danish pen! I WAS SO EXCITED! Lol (: Hamish tried to take my place in my international group (dane, Japanese, anustralian) cause his foodproject kindda failed! Haha Andrea and I actually had success in cooking! Im impressed.

Best food tech lesson ever. It was awesome. So today these Irish rugby players arrived, so excited to hear about it tomorrow (Emma is hosting one of them) wrr

Oh and finally i understand what we are doing in maths (: teacher helps me, and it was actually easy when he first explained it (school is very different! Instead of focusing on how to get the information, like in dk. They are focusing on remembering the information) – so hard, so not like me.

I might stay after school and watch the game. I dunno I’m not sure?! Hm

That was pretty much it for today, the internet still doesn’t work, and I gotta go to David’s place, so i can get some ski gear yay!

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