Today I stayed home from school. Sara had slept over so we woke up early catched the bus to Springwood and got her on a train. Afterwards I went for a little wonder and then walked home.
I was so exhausted cause had very little sleep this weekend but I had to keep pushing on to get all my work done. First thing on my to do list: Baking Muffin's for the Ellison kids, for tomorrow after my presentation there.
I've never tried to bake muffins before but the dough turned out perfectly. Well only one little mistake: I forgot to put then in a muffin tin tray so when I backed them, they got a bit deform. But who cares, they were still tasty.
Meanwhile baking I checked my emails and read about my grandma. Suddenly I felt very far from home and by myself. I had a massive cry on the kitchen floor, probably a combination of the news and my lack of sleep. Eventually I got myself together and started working on my speech for tonight's rotary. I wrote It printed it out and read it through once.
I was so tired and just needed some sleep so slept a bit and then skyped with mum about granma and started crying again. More sleep was nessescary!
It got time for rotary and I wasn't prepared for my speech AT ALL, only the slideshow was ready. But off I went, with the whole family: Annie, Brian, Kieren and Lucy.
Shireen, Rhonda and Tony, and Amy were at rotary too + of course all the rotarians. Richard was running around with his amazing camera taking photos of me and everybody like I was some kind of celebrity.
We had a nice evening with our usual rotary. Amy and I talked about Denmark (she went on exchange there) and I gave a few goodbye pressies to some meaningful people in the club. Only thing left now was my speech. I completely forgot to use my keycards I just went up there and started talking, and It went really good. I dont like to brag but got so many good comments from the rotarians afterwards like: "It's the best speech I've heard from an exchange student before" Or "Julie you have change so much since you arrived, and now you are really mature" etc. I got a little tear in my eye when Laurie had to compose a thanks for the behalf of the club. David presented my Kobra hat as a goodbye present from all of them.
A very successful nice with a lot of nice and memoryable words: "Julie you are special"