torsdag den 30. juni 2011

This is goodbye


Today I had my last Maths Class on Winmalee High. My Favourite class, always so much fun. So for the ocassion I baked Muffins. Mandy Brought soda and chips and the boys found a radio. We totally had our own little party while our teacher was off to other duties and came into the room :)
In english Matt and I went around to my teachers to sign out. In our previous lesson (foodtech) miss had put on the lion king but we didnt finish it, so when Matt and I were done signing out, we went to foodtech watching the rest of the movie instead of english :D
It was funny as! Matt knew all the words and kept saying all the lines! only one mistake lol

And this little vikingwoman is drawn by Adam in foodtech (: think it's supposed to be me...??

Richard and Josefa


The end is near of my exchange, and the farewell dinners are starting. Tonight Richard and Josefa from the Rotary Club invited me to this Chineese resturant in Emu Plains.
As always it's amazing when I go out for dinner with Richard, but tonight the dessert was special.
Beautiful pictures were drawn in sauce as you can see in the photos. The hearts was my plate and the swan Richards. Again thank you, a success dinner in good company :)

fredag den 24. juni 2011

Du kan få kebab

This weekend would be the last time for a long while I would be with Katrina my sister. I got on a train to Sydney and Met her and catched a train to Sutherland together.
We discussed what we would cook for dinner, and agreed that it had been too long since a kebabPizza!!! Apparently you can't get it in Australia so we searched in supermarkets etc to find Kebab... but only expensive way we could get it was from the Kebabshop. What you dont do for a little Kebab!

After a while singing in the kitchen to the kebab song these amazing pizza's appear HOMEMADE. We were heaps proud! Late Sara (Swiss chick) arrived totally girls night !


Saturday Kat had netball on so Sara and I cheered for her :) Afterwards we catched the train to Cronulla where we went for a little wonder. In the evening Kat had a little gathering and finally I got to meet her friend Robyn! It was a heaps fun night :)

Sunday time for goodbye! Kat you're amazing!<3

The flying two

Emma and I started to spent our lunch at school with some different activities....

tirsdag den 21. juni 2011

Final Rotary Speech


Today I stayed home from school. Sara had slept over so we woke up early catched the bus to Springwood and got her on a train. Afterwards I went for a little wonder and then walked home.
I was so exhausted cause had very little sleep this weekend but I had to keep pushing on to get all my work done. First thing on my to do list: Baking Muffin's for the Ellison kids, for tomorrow after my presentation there.

I've never tried to bake muffins before but the dough turned out perfectly. Well only one little mistake: I forgot to put then in a muffin tin tray so when I backed them, they got a bit deform. But who cares, they were still tasty.

Meanwhile baking I checked my emails and read about my grandma. Suddenly I felt very far from home and by myself. I had a massive cry on the kitchen floor, probably a combination of the news and my lack of sleep. Eventually I got myself together and started working on my speech for tonight's rotary. I wrote It printed it out and read it through once.

I was so tired and just needed some sleep so slept a bit and then skyped with mum about granma and started crying again. More sleep was nessescary!

It got time for rotary and I wasn't prepared for my speech AT ALL, only the slideshow was ready. But off I went, with the whole family: Annie, Brian, Kieren and Lucy.

Shireen, Rhonda and Tony, and Amy were at rotary too + of course  all the rotarians. Richard was running around with his amazing camera taking photos of me and everybody like I was some kind of celebrity.
We had a nice evening with our usual rotary. Amy and I talked about Denmark (she went on exchange there) and I gave a few goodbye pressies to some meaningful people in the club. Only thing left now was my speech. I completely forgot to use my keycards I just went up there and started talking, and It went really good. I dont like to brag but got so many good comments from the rotarians afterwards like: "It's the best speech I've heard from an exchange student before" Or "Julie you have change so much since you arrived, and now you are really mature" etc. I got a little tear in my eye when Laurie had to compose a thanks for the behalf of the club. David presented my Kobra hat as a goodbye present from all of them.

A very successful nice with a lot of nice and memoryable words: "Julie you are special"

Speech at Ellison Primary School


Today I stayed home from school, for a sleep in. Just what I was in need for. Woke up had a lazy morning while preparing me presentation about Denmark for the Ellison yr 5-6 Kids in my hostmum's Annie's class. (Lucy's class too) I did my final finish on my danish muffin too and got in my rotary jacket, ready for action.

When I came to the class, Lucy came with a big hug and all her classmates surrounding me. Looking at my very filled out jacket asking all sorts of question's. The bell went and I began my presentation ! I was so amazed by how good the kids were. Sitting quietly paying attention and in the end had a heap of questions!
Such a good experience and a lovely day. and best of all, they liked my muffins.

Had a relaxed afternoon with some reading and facebook. Yesterday I really realised what Im leaving behind when I leave this amazing country and it's people. Everytime I chat to a friend on facebook, listen to a song about travelling or home, I get really emotional.
Lucy tried to teach me how to play piano after dinner, and even that made me think about how amazing this year has been. I am going to miss this! :'(

Katoomba with a Swiss chick

One of my best friends here in Australia amongst the exchangestudents is deffinitely Sara. The day where we have to leave this amazing country is getting closer and closer, and Sara still had not seen the 3 sisters nor Katoomba untill today.
Henni's Hostdad gave us a lift from Sara's place this morning to Springwood. It was quite lucky that the outgoing students briefing was held in my town and that Henni's hostbrother is going out. And well we could as well go to the briefing for fun, why not? So we did for an hour or two. Saying Hi to the new students and our counsellours was quite fun especially when speakers were refering to us!!! The danish and Swiss chick ha ha but while it was still morning we had to head to my house. So we did, packed a little bag and got dressed in the warmest clothes we could find.
Katoomba for the day with my wonderful Hostmum who actually came up with this splendid idea! Lucy my little sister came with us of course.

It was a beautiful winters day. equals: Cold of course, and sunshine!
We watched the 3 sisters, went to the skyrail where Sara, Lucy and I went for a walked in the valley. And then Katoomba city! I little nibble for lunch and then a trip to the Hattery!
My goodbyepresent from my rotaryclub would be a Akubra hat, so my hostmum got asked to help me buy it now when we were the right place! :)

So I tried all different styles and finally found the right one, to be presented to me tomorrow evening in the club.
Meanwhile Lucy and Sara tried on all the hats possible.
It was such a good day, with our goal achieved -to show the swiss chick the bluemountains !!!
We all fell asleep on our way home in the car (except Annie of course)
Sara stayed for a sleepover and I took the monday off school and helped her getting to Springwood on the train.

Me, Sara & Lucy in front of the 3 sisters

In Katoomba no ONE can hear you SCREAM

A little beauty sitting on a rail near the skyrail

On our walk in the valley we met this little fella and got a ride!! :)

Sara in the hattery, photographer: Lucy (:

Henni's farewell


It's the beginning of the end. Today it was the two Finn's goodbye gathering. Mainly Henni but Lotta too.
Henni's hostmum had arrange heaps of amazing food (Sara and I helped preparing) while Henni had a shower. Helmiina and Lotta were there too, and soon a heap of people started arriving. Henni's friends.
Sara knew most of them cause her and Henni are attending the same school. It was funny with people's reaction when they met all us 'exchange' people. Several comments had the sound of 'OMG it's not only Henni and Sara that are mad... it's all the exchange students'

It got really late but I was prepared and had arranged a sleepover at Sara's. Her host sisters boyfriend picked us up and drove us home. I met her hostmum and us girls stayed up ALL night just talking and talking (mainly sara and i) Only 3hrs sleep, exhaustion...

fredag den 17. juni 2011


Each year Winmalee High School set up a Musicael performed by the students. It's hard work and plenty of teachers, volunteers and students spend their sparetime practising, making costumes etc.

This year the musicael was the WestSideStory, with Cassie (one of my drama girls) in the mainrole. So of course I bought tickets for my mum, sister and myself. It was a spetacular show and funny enough I got to sit next to miss Leel and her family during the show. There was heaps of rotarians and of course other students from the school. Emma came too, and in the break I got to plat her hair (in the very cold and windy weather).

I saved the ticket for my rotary blazer as a memory, cause it sure was a memoriable evening.
Good job everyone!!


12.06.11 - 13.06.11

This weekend my mum, dad, Lucy and I went to Lake Maquarie near NewCastle to catch up with Lucy's cousin Tally and her dad. I was so so so rainy and after a few hrs of drive (which was the only thing we'd done the whole day) we arrived at their house. Another friend of the family was there: Kelly
and because of the rain we couldn't go for a bikeride around the lake, so instead Kelly played guitar while we played other instruments and sang along. What an atmosphere the house suddenly got. We had coffee and cake and time went by real quick.

I sang Im yours with Jason Mras and they all said I had a good voice. But Kelly was amazing. she could sing and play guitar at the same time.



Finally time for a catch up. Haven't seen Tess since Safari, so I was really excited !
We met up in the city, and Chihiro and Martha came along too. A real girls day, looking at the rocks market (where I bought 3 photo's for my wall at home, naughty naughty) and lunch, while looking at this weird woman performing on the street.

Dessert was strawberries dipped in chocolate, yummy yum
Unbelievable how fast time went and soon is was on the train back to the mountains.
I miss you Tess<3

When vikings are planking


Andrea and I went to Penrith to find costumes for mockup yr12 photo day. After walking around in the shops for a while we decided on being vikings! We got hats, swords etc. ready steady! and then we went planking around penrith which was quite an experience. very hilarious, god I love that girl!!!

We ended the day with a trip the hoyts watching: Water for Elephants! Pretty awesome day :D as always when you spent the day with andrea !!!

Box hunting


After school I went to Springwood with Sara and met up with a few people from her year, having coffee and talking. Nice as always. Later on we went to the memorial park just kept chatting to people hanging around there. Before we decided to walk home, we went to Richard's shop to ask for some boxes (I needed them to sent home stuff in, and had had huge trouble finding them) but as always richard saves me and got me 2 massive ones. hmmmmm so what do you do then, when you have to walk home with them????

well the exchangestudent way: put them on your head and start walking. so we did!!! Im sure It looked terrible weird and so funny, we noticed people driving past starring at us while we walked having a good conversation!

Sara got the photo's somewhere ill add them some time!

next day in school 5 people came over to me and said: julie I saw you yesterday walking with a box on your head..... im just thinking, how would people reckonise me??? hmmm

søndag den 5. juni 2011

Bat for Lashes


Finally this day turned up. Bronwyn took me to the city, my birthday present was a concert in the operahouse so i was really excited about that. It's winter here so the light show was on! something that is on every year to drag people to the city in the winter weekends. It's so beautiful the opera house get's lighten up in different colours. There's people everywhere and entertainment on the streets and beautiful light decorations.

There was so many people that it was hard to find a place to eat dinner, but Bronwyn took me to the Rocks Cafe, which was really nice, as always when Iam together with her.

I could have spent all night only looking at all the things around the city but the time came where the concert was on! The operahouse is so beautiful inside, never seen anything like it before. the concert hall is massive and seems like a whole universe itself. It was full of people in the 20's and soon the concert started. tree's on stage and dark, a young girl come in wearing a massive red jacket dress kind of thing. she started singing with this beautiful voice. very special. she was the bat for lashes, as she called her self or rather the band. apparently from britain.

She got better and better during the evening. such a good experience Im so thankful for such an amazing birthday present (: