btw: Brianna one of the lovely girls on the tour made the map with our route during the 3 weeks! - Melbourne direction first :)
fredag den 15. april 2011
Safari 2011
btw: Brianna one of the lovely girls on the tour made the map with our route during the 3 weeks! - Melbourne direction first :)
torsdag den 14. april 2011
Don't hit me, Im just an exchange student!
Wednesday I went to my Sommerfugl's house for a sleepover. Kim and Mandy were supposed to join us, but that never happened.
Anyhow It was heaps fun! We baked chocolate cake, had a massive laugh with her mum and sister (about something I dont know, me maybe?) and then stayed up all night playing guitar and singing -which was quite fun as well !
Next morning we played and sang again, but this time in the bathroom (sounds better in there) we made up our own song, and I really got into it ha ha ! what I didnt know was that her dad could hear us through the door lol! Anyhow check out this video that Rebecca (swedish) got me addicted to:
Anyhow It was heaps fun! We baked chocolate cake, had a massive laugh with her mum and sister (about something I dont know, me maybe?) and then stayed up all night playing guitar and singing -which was quite fun as well !
Next morning we played and sang again, but this time in the bathroom (sounds better in there) we made up our own song, and I really got into it ha ha ! what I didnt know was that her dad could hear us through the door lol! Anyhow check out this video that Rebecca (swedish) got me addicted to:
O.C Marathon
Túesday my sweet tasty Jordbær (Emma) Came over for a sleepover! It was amazing to catch up with her again but I have to blame her for making me an O.C addict! We watched it all night in company with our Beloved Tim Tams, and when we woke up next morning we continued our Marathon ha ha
Sometimes good company is all you need <3
Túesday my sweet tasty Jordbær (Emma) Came over for a sleepover! It was amazing to catch up with her again but I have to blame her for making me an O.C addict! We watched it all night in company with our Beloved Tim Tams, and when we woke up next morning we continued our Marathon ha ha
Sometimes good company is all you need <3
mandag den 11. april 2011
Unicorn Ramble Briefing
Today excatly 6 days before the safari! We were having briefing with all the other students in the 2 other districts that are going with us. Shireen gave me a lift to the school. Alice was already there so we helped out getting things ready.
Suddenly a bunch of people arrived. "Juuuuulieee" It was Laura, my danish chick! Got so excited yesssh safari will be perfect with her as company (: All her exchangees were there as well, so we all talked a bit and introduced ourselves.
Soon other people came along and joined us! I think we will be around 40 exchangees on the trip so that's quite good - 10 boys and 30 girls ahaha!
Well the day was a lot of fun! Per (Sweden) got asked: Where are you from? and replied: Finland!
Another incident during the day was Capricorn ramble that got made into Unicorn ramble instead with a little hand sign from us all to confirm it aha
all I have to say is that Im sure the safari will be the most amazing 3 weeks in my life, Im exploding of excitement, Simply just cant wait anymore!!
Today excatly 6 days before the safari! We were having briefing with all the other students in the 2 other districts that are going with us. Shireen gave me a lift to the school. Alice was already there so we helped out getting things ready.
Suddenly a bunch of people arrived. "Juuuuulieee" It was Laura, my danish chick! Got so excited yesssh safari will be perfect with her as company (: All her exchangees were there as well, so we all talked a bit and introduced ourselves.
Soon other people came along and joined us! I think we will be around 40 exchangees on the trip so that's quite good - 10 boys and 30 girls ahaha!
Well the day was a lot of fun! Per (Sweden) got asked: Where are you from? and replied: Finland!
Another incident during the day was Capricorn ramble that got made into Unicorn ramble instead with a little hand sign from us all to confirm it aha
all I have to say is that Im sure the safari will be the most amazing 3 weeks in my life, Im exploding of excitement, Simply just cant wait anymore!!
6.00am at Matt's. . I woke up, a little fella sitting looking at me: " Julie can you put singstar on for me?"
It was Matts little brother ha ha ! It gave me a shock to wake up to. Anyhow after that little incident we all slept to like 11.00am and then Matts fantastic Bacon sandwiches for breaky (:
I took us all a while to wake up and get ready, but finally we catched the train to Katoomba, met up with Andi and Emma, and walked to the cinema to watch suckerpunch!
Kind of weird movie but I liked it -think it is a try to make women watch actions movie more or something aha.. anyway it was a good day but went really fast before we noticed it was like 5.00pm :O
I hope my sunshine had a good birthday, I think we all enjoyed each others company this weekend, unfortuneatly I completely forgot to take and photos at all, so you just have to imagine yourself (:
6.00am at Matt's. . I woke up, a little fella sitting looking at me: " Julie can you put singstar on for me?"
It was Matts little brother ha ha ! It gave me a shock to wake up to. Anyhow after that little incident we all slept to like 11.00am and then Matts fantastic Bacon sandwiches for breaky (:
I took us all a while to wake up and get ready, but finally we catched the train to Katoomba, met up with Andi and Emma, and walked to the cinema to watch suckerpunch!
Kind of weird movie but I liked it -think it is a try to make women watch actions movie more or something aha.. anyway it was a good day but went really fast before we noticed it was like 5.00pm :O
I hope my sunshine had a good birthday, I think we all enjoyed each others company this weekend, unfortuneatly I completely forgot to take and photos at all, so you just have to imagine yourself (:
fredag den 8. april 2011
Easteregg show
I remember when I went to kindergarden, and we used to paint eggs and roll them down a hill for easter to see which one came the furthest. We used to eat lamb for easter, and in the easterholidays I always went skiing in Austria - we still do, but that's all I remember about easter and it's tradition.
Here in Australia it is so much more than than. For some people at least. We ave to remember that this country is a massive mix of different cultures and traditions.
Today was the last schoolday before easter holidays. I woke up, got ready and walk to Lucy's school (where Annie my host mum works as well). I came and the outdoor area was full og parents and excited children running around with easter egg hats on. Because today they had easter hat parade! Each class walked in a long line with their homemade hats on, while the music was playing and people clapping loudly.
I didn't get to watch long before Lucy had found me with one of her friends. and I got presented as her big sister as well, what an honour!
The 'show' went on for an hour, it made me so happy, because it was so much fun to look at all these excited children!
So today I got a feeling about how different easter is celebrated here. In Denmark we got one week of easter holidays, here it is 2 weeks instead. Iam sure that there is a whole lot of other things going on in the churches here, the amount of people with faith in this country is massive compared Denmark.
In the second week of the holidays the big easter show is on in sydney as well. It is kind of like what we know as "Roskilde dyreskue" just much bigger. Unfortunatly I will be on my safari so I will not be able to exeperience the show myself.
By that enjoy the photos of these amazing easter hats!
Here in Australia it is so much more than than. For some people at least. We ave to remember that this country is a massive mix of different cultures and traditions.
Today was the last schoolday before easter holidays. I woke up, got ready and walk to Lucy's school (where Annie my host mum works as well). I came and the outdoor area was full og parents and excited children running around with easter egg hats on. Because today they had easter hat parade! Each class walked in a long line with their homemade hats on, while the music was playing and people clapping loudly.
I didn't get to watch long before Lucy had found me with one of her friends. and I got presented as her big sister as well, what an honour!
The 'show' went on for an hour, it made me so happy, because it was so much fun to look at all these excited children!
So today I got a feeling about how different easter is celebrated here. In Denmark we got one week of easter holidays, here it is 2 weeks instead. Iam sure that there is a whole lot of other things going on in the churches here, the amount of people with faith in this country is massive compared Denmark.
In the second week of the holidays the big easter show is on in sydney as well. It is kind of like what we know as "Roskilde dyreskue" just much bigger. Unfortunatly I will be on my safari so I will not be able to exeperience the show myself.
By that enjoy the photos of these amazing easter hats!
Lucy my little sister with the rainbow stockings on (:
Sunshines birthday party
After the amazing easter hat parade at Lucy's school, Andrea and her mum picked my up. Heading up the mountain to pay my sunshine (Matt) a visit. Actually he had his birthday party on (:
Andrea, Matt, Emma, Sian, Luke, Brooke, Laura, Michael and me had a lovely time. Watched movies all night, sang a bit of singstar etc. I was fuunuuun !!
Andrea and Emma got picked up later while the rest stayed for a sleepover inclusive me. We slept on the floor in the living room, on heaps of blankets and pillows in a massive lump !
Andrea, Matt, Emma, Sian, Luke, Brooke, Laura, Michael and me had a lovely time. Watched movies all night, sang a bit of singstar etc. I was fuunuuun !!
Andrea and Emma got picked up later while the rest stayed for a sleepover inclusive me. We slept on the floor in the living room, on heaps of blankets and pillows in a massive lump !
tirsdag den 5. april 2011
Up the bike, Up the hill, Up the Mountain
It almost scared the life out of me, but anyhow ended up on Brians bike -which had really bad breaks so that was a fun experience.
First Lucy and I went to the Corner to buy the most important thing in life: DAIM chokolate! yum yum
Then we continued to the Village center where we bought Tim Tams and chocolate milk in Coles :)
a bit unhealthy I know but hey at least we were biking in the mountains to burn it off meanwhile. We decided to enjoy our buys in the skaterpark, which was quite nice and enjoyable!On our way home the hills started becoming mountains -must admit that I could feel I havent been sitting on a bike for a very long while, but we both survived.
Almost home but then on the last corner Lucy's chain fell off, so as the big sister I had to put back on again. . . my fingers were black as!!! But kinda proud that I was able to put it back on :p
Quite nice day, the weather was so beautiful! Absolutely my favourite kind of weather ! and good company, what else can you ask for??
Footies on!
Today the girls rugby excursion was on! We all met up at the school and then drove to Penrith. There was supposed to be 5 teams but some of them cancelled so we only had 1 team to play against in our year group.
Anyhow we were 17 girls so we got into 2 teams instead of 1 which was good. It was a bit rainy and cold in the start but the weather got nice (:
The games were each 14 minutes only, but anyhow.
I had my first game and I tackled one girl, got so excited ahaha! It felt good but had no clue what was going on, only in the end I got a bit of a feeling of the game. Anyhow next time ill be fit for fight -even tho it'll be in a while because of the safari!
But it was really fun to try and I deffinitly reckon we should start playing it in Dk ! Just saying!
and btw I got jersey no. 14 -my lucky number yaaay!
Anyhow we were 17 girls so we got into 2 teams instead of 1 which was good. It was a bit rainy and cold in the start but the weather got nice (:
The games were each 14 minutes only, but anyhow.
I had my first game and I tackled one girl, got so excited ahaha! It felt good but had no clue what was going on, only in the end I got a bit of a feeling of the game. Anyhow next time ill be fit for fight -even tho it'll be in a while because of the safari!
But it was really fun to try and I deffinitly reckon we should start playing it in Dk ! Just saying!
and btw I got jersey no. 14 -my lucky number yaaay!
lørdag den 2. april 2011
Springwood Foundationday
Today was Springwood foundationday, and so everybody knows: It is a day where the main street in Springwood is enclosed so no cars can drive through. There's heaps of stores and amusements + a parade in the mittle of the day with nearby schools, dancing teams, veteran Vehicles etc. are represented.
I didnt really plan to go with anybody but got dropped off early so I could help out at the Rotary BBQ. Of course I saw heaps of people I knew, but suddenly Mandy and Kim stood in front of me! Got so excited to see my girls! Mandy was like: "Julie! YOU BECAME NO. 1 IN OUR MATHS TEST" ahaha awesome couldnt believe it! It totally made my day!
Anyhow I worked a bit more at the BBQ and then met up with the girls, just walking around having a look at stuff + eating chips :P
The parade got on and I became even more excited! I dont think such things exsists in Denmark but one thing for sure is that I loved it! And found it incredible amazing how many people actually turning up to such things here!
In the afternoon I couldnt find my mummy so instead I went with Warwick and Yvonne to watch Ian play footie (rugby) little keeden was there with khye as well (: it was a bit cool but nice cause Ians team won!
I didnt really plan to go with anybody but got dropped off early so I could help out at the Rotary BBQ. Of course I saw heaps of people I knew, but suddenly Mandy and Kim stood in front of me! Got so excited to see my girls! Mandy was like: "Julie! YOU BECAME NO. 1 IN OUR MATHS TEST" ahaha awesome couldnt believe it! It totally made my day!
Anyhow I worked a bit more at the BBQ and then met up with the girls, just walking around having a look at stuff + eating chips :P
The parade got on and I became even more excited! I dont think such things exsists in Denmark but one thing for sure is that I loved it! And found it incredible amazing how many people actually turning up to such things here!
In the afternoon I couldnt find my mummy so instead I went with Warwick and Yvonne to watch Ian play footie (rugby) little keeden was there with khye as well (: it was a bit cool but nice cause Ians team won!
Sister Shopping
Friday :) Went to the city and met up with my lovely sister, for a couple of hours. It is always nice to meet up with Kat, we went on sales and got some pretty good stuff I must say! Especially happy about my $7 shorts. We ended up at Darling Habour where I got some luch, while Kat was talking to Charlie on the phone! I got to talk to her as well, and got really happy that she was excited to hear my voice again! We're trying to make it possible to meet up in Melbourne when I go on my Safari trip - it could be awesome. Anyhow got to answer some questions about danish food for Mikayla's foodtech assignment, funny enough me and Katrina was discussing it! She knows almost as much as me about it after her danish year ;)
I'm gonna miss my sister when I leave Australia! I mean it is just such a good thing to have somebody like her, who knows what I am talking about when I say 'Home' or bring up some memories! <3
Friday :) Went to the city and met up with my lovely sister, for a couple of hours. It is always nice to meet up with Kat, we went on sales and got some pretty good stuff I must say! Especially happy about my $7 shorts. We ended up at Darling Habour where I got some luch, while Kat was talking to Charlie on the phone! I got to talk to her as well, and got really happy that she was excited to hear my voice again! We're trying to make it possible to meet up in Melbourne when I go on my Safari trip - it could be awesome. Anyhow got to answer some questions about danish food for Mikayla's foodtech assignment, funny enough me and Katrina was discussing it! She knows almost as much as me about it after her danish year ;)
I'm gonna miss my sister when I leave Australia! I mean it is just such a good thing to have somebody like her, who knows what I am talking about when I say 'Home' or bring up some memories! <3
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