søndag den 20. marts 2011

Rock N Roll

At 6.00am we had a whole new day ahead of us! We were all heaps tired after yesterday but so excited to be with eachother that it didnt matter!
We got ready, had breakfast etc. and then drove to the conference. We where the first ones there, cause we had to practice for our flagcermoni! Which was quite fun! BUT I lost a special THING from my rotary jacket, and couldnt find it (Sara found it in one of the rotarians cars the next day but) Anyhow we waited in greenroom and then it became the real deal!

Amazing walking in one by one to our national anthem with our flag, and the pass it on to a rotarian :) afterwards we went down to set up our presentation about our country in the house of friendship!
It didnt take long and we had some spare time so we all went to have a coffee on a nice café in Bathurst. Just chilling, having fun and taking photos.
When we came back to the conference center we had to be near our presentation so we could answer questions etc. as Per and I called it : Represent! :)

Again we went out to make time go faster! We had vouchers for free ice-cream ! -We couldnt let that oppotunity go pass us! And then time for Luch at the conference center!

After lunch we went back to our room and got changed into practical clothes! Where we stayed was right next to a gold mine museum -we got showed around and tried to pan our own REAL gold! -yes i did get some... but ... it was rather gold dust! ha ha

I was a good experience, the boys help our guide with some smith work and it resulted in 2 hooks or what you call them -henni and I used them too hook up, and pinch people :)

It became time to go and get changed for our rock n roll party which would be on in the night at the conference center with all the 300-400 rotarians that participated!

All our costumes were AMAZING and heaps of photos got taken! At the conference live band was playing we had dinner -which I wasnt a big fan of and in between the courses people were dancing -inclusive me! INDEED a real dancing queen ha ha : The fishing line, The Lasso, Half swimmer, diving, cleaning windows, driving etc. yes I had all the dance moves ready! Everybody were in a fantastic move and we all danced! It became so hot ! At one stage Bronwyn gave me a real AIRguitar! and I ended up on stage in front of the whole crowd playing it with Frenzy! We had a Ball!!!

It was a long but funny night and slowly people started heading back to their rooms. The dancing stopped and I sat down for a break when Paul, Henni and Lotta made me believe that we had to walk back!!! I was terrified it was dark and a few Km away! NO WAY! Luckily Shireen came and said the bus had arrived -well I felt a bit blonde ! :S ha ha 

At 2am it was time for bed so we all would be ready for our last conference day!

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