so Monday came, and it went away again :)
A bit of a boring day, therefore we have to make our own fun, so Sophie, Kim and I did!
Photos will be added on later . .
I had drama too which was a bit of a funny incident. I sad with my Ipod listening to FORMIDDAG MED ADAM OG SARA PÅ P3 it was hilarious! Miss that show so so so incredible much! Anyhow I sat with my Ipod crying and laughing at the same time, it was hysterical! Well the embarrasing thing was that my drama girls just starred at me and was like: Are you alright Julie??
It must have looked really weird me laughing and them not understanding a thing! well I reckon SARA AND ADAM are Legends!!
mandag den 28. februar 2011
søndag den 27. februar 2011
Friday! My favourite day of the week (:
Had an amazing school day, made Muffins with my amazing Em<3 And tried out for the girls rugby team on the school even tho I had and still dont have any idea about the rules! It was fun, and I hope ill get in, it could me a great aussie experience!
Anyhow Finished early and had a bit of time to pack my stuff for the weekend and then 3-4hrs drive! Country here we come (:
Lucy, Anni, Kieren and I were going to Canowindra to visit auntie Donna and Uncle on their little 'farm'
The drive was heaps long, but with a cute little sis, a book and ipod It wasnt too bad! We arrived at like 8pm and got greeted by their massive dog Misha!
Had late dinner and watched some teli while catching up, and then to bed. I got the girls room, with a massive window full of insects and a frog from the outside. Anyhow I slept with a REAL duna and it was lovely! I woke up early next morning and got so surprise! The dark window with insects and a frog had turned into a massive and very beautiful view of a massive country area! It was amazing and the sun shining! Perfect.
In Australia the country is really THE country I mean bad reception on the phone and the town was a very sleepy town. therefore we had a lazy morning with teli and cozyness.. at one stage we decided to go to the town to do a little bit of shopping. . well the shops closed at 12.30 ahah! Later on in the afternoon Kieren, Lucy and I went to the pool. . it was a nice warmth but very refreshing with a swim! I brought my waterproof camera but of course it became a object that kieren could throw into the water and swim after untill he decided that it was my turn to dive 3meters town to pick it up . . uhm I refused. . lol we drove to a lookout which was amazing and like the view out of my window!
The evening went by again with heaps of teli (: and then off to bed!
Today I woke up early (8am) but I was the only up so went to bed again! Later on we had pancakes and a slow morning again, well I kinda like that ahah
anyhow Uncle took Lucy and I to see the farm on the local school. He and donna are teachers.
It is very different. I mean you can select the subject agriculture! and on wednesdays when they have sport, riding is one of the electives. but that's not enough... the girls sometimes ride their horses to school on those days so they can use them in the afternoon for sports elective. On the school was chucks, cows and sheeps! It was awesome :)
Then we met up with Donna and Anni a local place to have a coffee and then home for lunch. After lunch it was time to head home. . 3hrs drive again. . well I read the whole way and finished my book so not too bad :)
I love australia, I love the countryside and I love life! what an amazing, wonderfull weekend it has been!
Had an amazing school day, made Muffins with my amazing Em<3 And tried out for the girls rugby team on the school even tho I had and still dont have any idea about the rules! It was fun, and I hope ill get in, it could me a great aussie experience!
Anyhow Finished early and had a bit of time to pack my stuff for the weekend and then 3-4hrs drive! Country here we come (:
Lucy, Anni, Kieren and I were going to Canowindra to visit auntie Donna and Uncle on their little 'farm'
The drive was heaps long, but with a cute little sis, a book and ipod It wasnt too bad! We arrived at like 8pm and got greeted by their massive dog Misha!
Had late dinner and watched some teli while catching up, and then to bed. I got the girls room, with a massive window full of insects and a frog from the outside. Anyhow I slept with a REAL duna and it was lovely! I woke up early next morning and got so surprise! The dark window with insects and a frog had turned into a massive and very beautiful view of a massive country area! It was amazing and the sun shining! Perfect.
In Australia the country is really THE country I mean bad reception on the phone and the town was a very sleepy town. therefore we had a lazy morning with teli and cozyness.. at one stage we decided to go to the town to do a little bit of shopping. . well the shops closed at 12.30 ahah! Later on in the afternoon Kieren, Lucy and I went to the pool. . it was a nice warmth but very refreshing with a swim! I brought my waterproof camera but of course it became a object that kieren could throw into the water and swim after untill he decided that it was my turn to dive 3meters town to pick it up . . uhm I refused. . lol we drove to a lookout which was amazing and like the view out of my window!
The evening went by again with heaps of teli (: and then off to bed!
Today I woke up early (8am) but I was the only up so went to bed again! Later on we had pancakes and a slow morning again, well I kinda like that ahah
anyhow Uncle took Lucy and I to see the farm on the local school. He and donna are teachers.
It is very different. I mean you can select the subject agriculture! and on wednesdays when they have sport, riding is one of the electives. but that's not enough... the girls sometimes ride their horses to school on those days so they can use them in the afternoon for sports elective. On the school was chucks, cows and sheeps! It was awesome :)
Then we met up with Donna and Anni a local place to have a coffee and then home for lunch. After lunch it was time to head home. . 3hrs drive again. . well I read the whole way and finished my book so not too bad :)
I love australia, I love the countryside and I love life! what an amazing, wonderfull weekend it has been!
Chocolate crossaint. . danish version (doubble amount than supposed to) |
Especially made by me to my Host Mummy Annie (A= Annie) ahah |
The view I woke up to |
Small cute chickens -a week old |
My little sister Lucy and I with a little chicken |
Uhmm this is another story tho. . My brother Kieren haha when we went to the pool. Dont worry it's not his natural look :) |
Lucy doing a JUMP! |
torsdag den 24. februar 2011
The powerhouse
Being an exchange student sometimes has its advantages! Like this: Miss could I pleas go on the DT excursion tomorrow? 'MASSIVE SMILE'
so I did, even tho DT is not one of my subjects in school :)
Anyhow we went to the powerhouse in sydney, some kind of museum with different exhibitions! It was really good, we saw different stuff and the HSC DT projects from last year! Mandy, Kim, Soph and I walked around togehter but then Mandy and I got lost from them. . .so while searching for them we looked at other exhibitions like the 80's etc.. took HEAPS of photos and had a lot of fun! We were only at the powerhouse for like an hour and 15min ! From there we went to paddys market, had lunch and then headed to central to meet up with the teachers and the rest of the group.
While waiting at central we sang out loud! It was funny as, and people where starring at us heaps! But at least we enjoyed ourselves! :)
A really goood day! I love my girls <3
so I did, even tho DT is not one of my subjects in school :)
Anyhow we went to the powerhouse in sydney, some kind of museum with different exhibitions! It was really good, we saw different stuff and the HSC DT projects from last year! Mandy, Kim, Soph and I walked around togehter but then Mandy and I got lost from them. . .so while searching for them we looked at other exhibitions like the 80's etc.. took HEAPS of photos and had a lot of fun! We were only at the powerhouse for like an hour and 15min ! From there we went to paddys market, had lunch and then headed to central to meet up with the teachers and the rest of the group.
While waiting at central we sang out loud! It was funny as, and people where starring at us heaps! But at least we enjoyed ourselves! :)
A really goood day! I love my girls <3
onsdag den 23. februar 2011
My 3 wifeys
A normal school day, What can I say. Felt like I read the whole day. Anyhow at recess the thing I never thought would happen, happened! I got married. Rather I got married with 3 other girls :)
Andi, Dani and Doris<3
My lovely wifeys aha (just kidding) but it was fun tho! Dani had these rings for us and yer you can clearly see who is the owner of the fat fingers Andi and I
Truth is that I love school, I love Australia but most important I love the people around me :)<3
Andi, Dani and Doris<3
Truth is that I love school, I love Australia but most important I love the people around me :)<3
Schooooool! Fooodtech! Luckily Mandy joins me, she got a free (: Em, Mandy and I ended up doing to funny faces! A little pretaste of me and Mandy Mus haha
After school I went to Coles with Em, Andi, Sophie, Lauren, Kimmy etc. and bought Timtams :)
and then back to school to watch the Rugby match between Winmalee and St Columbas! -boys
Uhm well Im not talking about the result (0-8)
ahaaha well I met Mary and we talked the first part of the game, and the second part of it I tried to pay attention. Kieren was playing for st Columbas so
when I got home of course I got teased heaps about loosing the game -.-
tirsdag den 22. februar 2011
21st feb
Sometimes I get a bit bored in foodtech. But today I found these stickers with a smiley painted on!
My best smiley people got the honour :)
Andi and Sunshine (Mat)
lørdag den 19. februar 2011
Youth Group
I gotta do something. Well one of the days where you feel that you just need to get out so! I went with my girls to Winmalee and then Springwood for a little wonder :) First photo in Vinnies, with some awesome hats. After we put Dani and Shaun on the train, andi and I continued our wonder !! And I found this elephant head ! $2 I had to buy it for Tessa (cause she is going to this theme party and wants to be and elephant lol)
When I came home I quickly went to Em's house cause we were going to youth group in mt riverview! Well we were both excited and thought It would be random as! Youth groups are a bunch of youngsters gathering to learn about their religion christianity. But this was so so cool compared to Denmark! Live music like a concert! Dancing, games, and nice people! It was so much fun! Em and I really had a wonderful time, so im kinda sad that I cant go the next couple of fridays coming up. But anyhow I hope Em will keep going cause it was so good! Wish It was like that at home :)
I gotta do something. Well one of the days where you feel that you just need to get out so! I went with my girls to Winmalee and then Springwood for a little wonder :) First photo in Vinnies, with some awesome hats. After we put Dani and Shaun on the train, andi and I continued our wonder !! And I found this elephant head ! $2 I had to buy it for Tessa (cause she is going to this theme party and wants to be and elephant lol)
When I came home I quickly went to Em's house cause we were going to youth group in mt riverview! Well we were both excited and thought It would be random as! Youth groups are a bunch of youngsters gathering to learn about their religion christianity. But this was so so cool compared to Denmark! Live music like a concert! Dancing, games, and nice people! It was so much fun! Em and I really had a wonderful time, so im kinda sad that I cant go the next couple of fridays coming up. But anyhow I hope Em will keep going cause it was so good! Wish It was like that at home :)
Going to the country w. Richard
19th-20th feb.
Oberon, Rockley, Bathurst.
Car parking
Mineral museum
Oberon, Rockley, Bathurst.
Car parking
Mineral museum
torsdag den 17. februar 2011
Caiques Farewell
This photo is from the last night in Rotary with Caique on Monday the 14th
The day had turned up! Emma, Browyn and I woke up at 5am to drive to the airport to say goodbye to caique. We picked Sophie up at Springwood and Paul at Penrith!
The drive in there was quiet and sad. . .
We had to wait like 2hrs before the Kanga went through the gates!
It went really fast, with a long coffee break and Me, Emma and sophie crying non stop!
The exchangers joined up as well + counsellors etc.
Ill never forget this day. . I just couldnt control it
I had to say goodbye to my best friend, my brother. .
Afterwards we drove with Norm and Cheryl home in the mini bus. I kept listening to my ipod, holding my girls hands (sophie stole his towel) and i just kept crying. we all 3 went to my house. Just sitting for a while, not talking, not doing anything. It was like the world stopped. But no I had to be strong, Em was just lying on my bed crying and soph sitting on the floor. I put a movie on, and it helped we thought about something different and actually started laughing.
Afterwards. . cry . . after that cry..
By the end of the day I felt a whole lot better. Life goes on and well: Dont cry about whats leaving but smile because it came to you.
Im so thankful. Its gonna be weird he is not around the corner anymore, but i deff. got a new goal: going to brazil!
Caiques Last School day
The day slowy arrived. . Caiques last school day. It all felt so unreal, he got followed by a crowd like he was some kind of popstar. . He spoke for assembly, and Soph, Em and I shared our turns: crying. . well at least we had a bit of fun. The kanga gave out Brazilian flags, signed them for people. Pins etc.
After school I went to his house, em and soph turned up later. We tried to pack his things. . which wasnt easy!!! 30 t-shirts :o well I wasnt really popular when I told him to choose: But Julie its Amarni!! HAHA
Soph and I had fun with his uhmmmm undies??? and yer it was a good last night with him. Marcus the swedish kid joined up later on.
Em and I went to Bronwyn's house for a sleepover. Lovely food and good talks as always! -and of course! My old room and doubble bed<3 Missing it so much! i Love Bron!
The day slowy arrived. . Caiques last school day. It all felt so unreal, he got followed by a crowd like he was some kind of popstar. . He spoke for assembly, and Soph, Em and I shared our turns: crying. . well at least we had a bit of fun. The kanga gave out Brazilian flags, signed them for people. Pins etc.
After school I went to his house, em and soph turned up later. We tried to pack his things. . which wasnt easy!!! 30 t-shirts :o well I wasnt really popular when I told him to choose: But Julie its Amarni!! HAHA
Soph and I had fun with his uhmmmm undies??? and yer it was a good last night with him. Marcus the swedish kid joined up later on.
Em and I went to Bronwyn's house for a sleepover. Lovely food and good talks as always! -and of course! My old room and doubble bed<3 Missing it so much! i Love Bron!
Valentines day
Valentines day, something special right? Not really in Denmark. . Its amarican, but the aussies have taken this event into their culture.
Came to school where all these red plastic roses got delivered to lucky people with a note on. . Obviously I didnt get one aha but it's kinda cute. Heaps of girls running around with these roses they've recieved from their prince charming.
Me and Andrea sat and looked at the tables around us covered with juniors and their teddy bears, roses, and chocolate! Well we agreed that it was a bit depressing. . so my valentine showed up! Of course Andrea ahaha she bought me a rose <3 SO cute !
People would be like oh Julie, who did you get a rose from?? uhm My secret admire Andi ahaha
Had english with Emily as well and I brought my danish glasses so I could give them to Rhino for her collection. . we got kinda bored in English. . .as always. .
But yer australian valentine is not too bad I most say :D
Valentines day, something special right? Not really in Denmark. . Its amarican, but the aussies have taken this event into their culture.
Came to school where all these red plastic roses got delivered to lucky people with a note on. . Obviously I didnt get one aha but it's kinda cute. Heaps of girls running around with these roses they've recieved from their prince charming.
Me and Andrea sat and looked at the tables around us covered with juniors and their teddy bears, roses, and chocolate! Well we agreed that it was a bit depressing. . so my valentine showed up! Of course Andrea ahaha she bought me a rose <3 SO cute !
People would be like oh Julie, who did you get a rose from?? uhm My secret admire Andi ahaha
Had english with Emily as well and I brought my danish glasses so I could give them to Rhino for her collection. . we got kinda bored in English. . .as always. .
But yer australian valentine is not too bad I most say :D
søndag den 13. februar 2011
The tribe
The other day I was sitting watching teli with Lucy, suddenly this old tv-show came up: The tribe.
It's terrible really but It just reminded me so so so much of home when I was younger and woke up sunday morning and watched this show.
Well the theme song is kinda good, so lets enjoy the acient days, shall we? :)
It's terrible really but It just reminded me so so so much of home when I was younger and woke up sunday morning and watched this show.
Well the theme song is kinda good, so lets enjoy the acient days, shall we? :)
Please notice their amazing costumes !
Rainy sydney day
These beautiful photos are from Sunday in Sydney with Brian, Kieren and Lucy!
We were supposed to go and see the chineese warrior collection on the museum but the line was Long. . No more than long. . No it was like it would never end. .
So instead we looked at some other stuff at the art galleri, we went to china town where we had luch, a quick look at paddys market and a walk through the botanical garden !
Pretty Pretty Pretty
fredag den 11. februar 2011
This week I came to school singing all day! Rhiannon suggested a Singstar Night with the girls!
Keen as and so we did! Singing danicing and taking photos all night! Rhino have like so so many different glasses so we tried them out as well :)
Georgia came over as well so we were Me, her, Rhiannon, Laura and Emma<3
So funny and yer then her massive dog! awww
Should deff do this more often :D
This week I came to school singing all day! Rhiannon suggested a Singstar Night with the girls!
Keen as and so we did! Singing danicing and taking photos all night! Rhino have like so so many different glasses so we tried them out as well :)
Georgia came over as well so we were Me, her, Rhiannon, Laura and Emma<3
So funny and yer then her massive dog! awww
Should deff do this more often :D
Made with love
Cooking day in foodtech! Loving
today we were making Pizza's from scratch, Emma and I -the usual team :)
Normally we fail every single thing we try to cook but to they we had to prove people wrong that we are terrible!
I felt creative and made the shapes (Heart and star) While Em was decorating them :D
Result= something to be proud of !
Even showed Bronwyn the photos! Proud as aha

Cooking day in foodtech! Loving
today we were making Pizza's from scratch, Emma and I -the usual team :)
Normally we fail every single thing we try to cook but to they we had to prove people wrong that we are terrible!
I felt creative and made the shapes (Heart and star) While Em was decorating them :D
Result= something to be proud of !
Even showed Bronwyn the photos! Proud as aha
Caique and I went to the city to catch up with the other exchangers in the area. But before that we had to pick up some schoolreports from the Brazilian embassy. . No problem we got the papers, we walked around into some shops, had lunch with Franziska -whom we met up with and then we met up with Lotta, Henni and Sara as well. Well it was a quite short catch up, when suddenly caique realized that his papers from the embassy wasnt in the bag anymore. The 2 of us left the group to go and look after them s***
Luckily one of the shops had his papers and notebook. . just saying how can you forget them aye??
Anyhow the other exchangers already moved on so instead the Kanga and I whent to the Pylon Lookout on Habour bridge (we had free tickets) so just had to try it before Caique leaves. The view was amazing, so beautiful! Reckon one of the best lookouts in sydney!
Afterwards we wanted to meet with the other guys again but they had gone home, so yer our mission about having a gathering kinda failed, but it was a really nice day besides that! :)
Caique and I went to the city to catch up with the other exchangers in the area. But before that we had to pick up some schoolreports from the Brazilian embassy. . No problem we got the papers, we walked around into some shops, had lunch with Franziska -whom we met up with and then we met up with Lotta, Henni and Sara as well. Well it was a quite short catch up, when suddenly caique realized that his papers from the embassy wasnt in the bag anymore. The 2 of us left the group to go and look after them s***
Luckily one of the shops had his papers and notebook. . just saying how can you forget them aye??
Anyhow the other exchangers already moved on so instead the Kanga and I whent to the Pylon Lookout on Habour bridge (we had free tickets) so just had to try it before Caique leaves. The view was amazing, so beautiful! Reckon one of the best lookouts in sydney!
Afterwards we wanted to meet with the other guys again but they had gone home, so yer our mission about having a gathering kinda failed, but it was a really nice day besides that! :)
lørdag den 5. februar 2011
Hawkesbury River Cruise
Truth is I wasnt. . . S***
plan was to catch the train at 7.05 -I woke up 6.50. . . . .
But had to change plans, Brian my lovely hostdad offered to drive me to blacktown trainstation instead. I had to be there no later than 8 sharp. I arrived 7.59 -pretty lucky :)
Yumi, Lotta, Charlotte, Alice, Franziska and 2 rotarians waiting for me !
Paul, Caique, Sara and Henni were already at the boat. . the drive was long before we got there and it was hot as!
We sailed the whole day down the river and it was lovely ! Talking and just relaxing in the sun with a nice breeze! And all my favourite exchange students in company.
Before lunch we stopped the boat and had a swim! A LOOONG SWIM! The water was really deep
I've never been swimming so far my whole life! but went pretty well (: We swam into land/little beach.
Jumped from the top into the water, sailed in a little mini boat, and then there was this seaplane that landed. we thought something was wrong so Paul and I sailed over tó the pilot asking if he needed help. He didnt but in the end pretty much everybody ended on his plane to take photos! Awesome as!
Lunch and dessert -I was so full
In the end off the day we headed home and that was our sail trip! A splendid, amazing, relaxing day. I simply just loved it <3
For the whole album:
fredag den 4. februar 2011
In these days as mentioned before, the weather is insanely hot.
Today I had to meet late and finished early -perfect way to end a friday!
Andi ended up with a bowl on her head, before her head it was full of ice cubes (:
Yesterday Wendy came over! She is Ann's very good friend, as far as I remember born in Holland. She brough salt Liqurice and DAIM chocolate! <3
-Bin after the Maurer family and I discovered the magic of DAIM!
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