søndag den 26. december 2010

An aussie christmas


Yesterday Bronwyn drove me to Ivan and Margaret's in the late evening. They wanted to have me over for my first aussie christmas. In Australia that is celebrated the 25th December in the morning. So this morning 9am I woke up, put a dress on, did my hair and went in the living room so we could open up pressies. To my big surprise everybody was dressed in relaxed clothes or in pyjamas and morning hair haha! The girls Kelly and Gab was there and then Ivan, Margaret and the massive Swiss Schäfer Elvis!
Who got given his pressie first -what a spoiled dog. AND VERY HUGE BUT CUTE AS :)

I was very surprised like I've been given pressies from so many different people, totally unexpected when you consider Im on exchange but I ended up with this: Xmas cards, Xmas decorations, a calender, a funny ball, money, 3 necklaces, lollies, earrings, perfume, a habour bridge climb, a billabong top and wallet, a bag,, a SLR camera, a book about spiders and insects. -dont remember if I got given more, but i reckon it is HEAPS! Im so happy <3

Anyway Kelly and I watched teli and played Wii the whole day, and then we had a big lunch -chicken, potatoes, gravy, carrots, pudding and pavelova. Yummi.
In the afternoon Bronwyn came to pick me up, we had tea and coffee and then went home after the most amazing first aussie chrissy I've ever had (:

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