Lately I've been taking some pretty unordinary photos as well. Look at these birds, they are called Cockatoos. This photo is taken on my school. It is massive birds, really beautiful and amazing. There are so many of them here, that the Aussie kids doesnt find them very interesting, but i must say that they keep impressing me!
Anyway the school is very different to the danish 'folkeskole' about 2 or 3 times bigger, and pretty random. Think It just had been raining when I took this photo, so it doesnt
look the best, anyhow that's how my school looks like (or some of it)
Lately I've had a lot of free periods because I droped Senior Science. They are actually ment to be study periods but to be hornest I dont study much, I have fun instead :)
But then it is good that Winmalee High School have some good students like Rayner, Sophie and Rachael! -Who actually use the study periods
(lol)Something I find funny on the school is the
Omg what I havent learn: G-banger, Abo, Mondi, Trackers etc. a shame that he starts to run out of words to teach me :)
So today Sophie and I went to the office to hand 114 Vouchers from Coles to support sport at High schools! The Vouchers is so that the school can affort new sports equipment or so. You get 1 Voucher pr $10 you spend in Coles, pretty cool. -Good job Sophie <3
Assembly: Once a week where the whole school is gathered in the hall. You get different information about activities, see performances from other students, sing the national anthem etc. On our school it is on tuesdays and year 7-9 together and year 10-12 together at assembly. In danish it would be what we call : 'Morgen sang' but still quite different.
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