The last week have been pretty though for me. First of all school started again, second I have had some troubles with one of my teachers and third I moved to Bronwyn's yesterday (Friday 15th). A lot of things in a very short period of time. My mood have'nt been the best, but now Im on the track again happy as always (: Only because of good supportive friends and family, especially thanks to Warwick, Yvonne and Jean!
Now I'm sitting in my new massive room at Bronwyn's! Listening to music and reflecting over last week. So let's begin. The week started out really good, I found out that Kimberly is moving to same street as I next friday! So I wont be totally alone on my new street. We have been overexcited since we found out we were moving to the same place, which is good.
Monday 11th October: I had to my presentation about Denmark and myself in the rotaryclub. Never the less, a few hours before my presentation Yvonne recieved a phonecall. The chances that I could do my presentation was very small (that suited me well, cause I didnt feel ready for it, and had not even been practicing it one single time) So we all went to the rotary club. When I entered the door I got told: Julie you are on with your presentation tonight! Arghh Hurried home to get my rotary blazer and laptop! Getting more and more nervouse cause I was COMPLETELY unprepared. Anyway I stood up and did my presentation, and It actually turned out to be a success! It was funny, different and relaxed. I was so happy afterwards, everything went after the plan (even thoug i didnt have plan haha) People came over afterwards telling me that they were impressed and thought i've done a good job! It's so nice when people tell you that, you feel way more comfident.
This week I also started doing SQUASH instead of Tennis, funny as!! I love my SQUASH BUDDIES <3
Friday 15th Moving: And then yesterday I packed all my stuff after school. It took me 3hrs and my travelbag, schoolbag, handbag + 2 boxes and 4 plasticbag full of crap before I finished! When I arrived in Australia I only had my travel and school bag full! So I wonder how ill be able to get all my stuff home after 12months haah! I also got a few things from my family! Yvonne brought me the coolest summer hat for my bushwalk and Warwick and her gave me a painting made by an aboriginal girl, it is so cool but I wonder how to bring it home to Denmark haha! Yvonne also bought me wheat-bix and german bread just to make sure I wouldnt starve at my new home, how cute is that?? (: Jean also gave me a goodbye present, a little Kangaroo and a homemade card! Awww Im gonna miss them all even though I'll see them again, but it's just not the same. Anyway After dinner all 3 of them wrote on my massive danish flag, it'll be the memory ever!
So Warwick drove me to Bronwyn's around 8-9pm. Belinda (Bronwyn's daughter) and Bronwyn was there so we just sat talking for a while. Afterwards I began to pack all my stuff out again but exhausted as I was, I finished my unpacking this morning haha! Only thing I really need in my room Is a mirror though but it's all good, ill survive!! (:
I would like to end this by showing Mary's amazing Pavelova that we ate in the holidays! (: MUMS <3
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