Woke up 7am to an amazing view out of 'my' window.
What a fantastic way to start your day I reckon.
For Breaky I tasted WheatBix's for the first time, it is some kind of Australian cereal, tastes really good, and seems more healthy than Wassa's Egg and Bacon ha ha
even though I love it <3
So as the first thing today we when to QUESTACON
It just seemed smaller.
But we had great fun anyway trying all these scientific things.
Fun I must admit, even though Physics/Chemestry is my worst subjects at school.
We saw this presentation there about Illusions very interesting how your brain actually fools you all the time, but as the speaker said: "The world would look rather boring if our brain didnt fool us"
-and I agree.
After spending a few hours at QUESTACON we headed for the Parliament.
But before that I wondered where the Danish flag were near QUESTACONS entrance,
so I went searching for it and .... I found it + the Brazilian flag as well.
Mission Completed.
At the Parliament we went looking at the souvenier shop, and went on a guided tour around the parliament afterwards. The guide wasnt as good as expected, but at least it was a free tour
ha ha
We went to see the 'question time' as well, where the politicans are kindda discussing while trying to answer some questions in a very big mess.
Funny to see that grown up politicans talk like babies (:
The 'wordleader' asked for silence several times, but nobody really paid attention!
Amazing isnt it? -in a bad way I reckon.
We ended our stay in the Parliament by walking on roof of the building (There was grass on it)
From there is an amazing view over the war memorial and old parliament.
I took heaps of photos there.
As the 'last' thing we planned for today we went to the Danish Embassy.
When we arrived we realized that it closed 5 minutes ago...
æææv what a shame.
Anyway we tryed to call them through the door thingie, and they answer it.
Actually I pesuaded them to let us in, and so we did.
There was 2 danish guys and one american fellow.
Very nice people and very talkactive.
Spoke some random danish ha ha and got a few maps of Denmark to show people.
I Also got free pins for my rotary jacket, and found out that these two fellows came to stay in Australia for 6-12months working at the Embassy as a part of their eduacation at the University in Denmark.
Anyway one of the danish guys showed us on a map, where we could find Kangaroos.
He said that the chance to see them was around 80%
So we decided to try, to get to this Park he referred to.
-And so we did!
I took the most amazing photos of Kangaroos in a park! lol
I was so amazed by how close you can get to wild Kangaroos.
They didnt seem to care.
Actually they are amazing creatures, and I realized how much personality they got!
It is just like the horses at home, dead serious wee <3
Anyway we spend quite a bit of time, me just taking photos of this strange animal, which face reminded me of a Lama!
This evening Robyn and Phill made us an increadible dinner again!
BBQ is yummi (:
and then after a little photoshow of Kangaroos I'm now sitting here again, writing as always !
Tomorrow is the last day in Canberra before we are heading for home.
I really enjoyed it so far, and I just love my hostfamily, and their friends as well.
How amazing are they aye?!