onsdag den 25. august 2010

The things u miss, the things u realized, oh the things!

Sometimes i miss unbelieveable many strange things you cant get here in Aus!
Therefore this list:

1) Remoulade
2) Real danish potatoes
3) Warm houses
4) Biking to school
5) Daim Chokolade
6) The danish drinking age
7) My friends
8) My fat cat & horse
9) Cheese: Klovborg
10) Normal sockets
11) Internet that actually works and is fast!
12) Rugbrød (rye bread)

Anyway I could probably make this list longer, but no need for that! The funny thing is that u can actually get this danish cheese here:

Anyway another funny thing in Australia is some of their laws! Jenna told me about them:
Taxi cabs are required to carry a bale of hay in the trunk.
Bars are required to stable, water and feed the horses of their patrons.
The legal age for straight sex is 16, unless the person is in the care/custody of the older person, in which case it is 18.
Only licensed electricians may change a light bulb.
It is illegal to wear hot pink pants after midday Sunday.
You must have a neck to knee swimsuit in order to swim at Brighton Beach.

So Sara and I are planning to find a horse and a carriage and see if the bars are breaking the law! lol
Anyway today have been a boring, weird and strange day... but at the same time alright and funny.
cant really explain it nevermind. I sign up for this thing, so tomorrow Julie is planting trees in period 4-6! How funny is that aye? shame that Caique came to late for signing up ..

We also played tennis as always and hmm some photos from recess, just for fun (:

One group of people.. thats aussie schools lol x)
Sophie, Me and Kim <3
Sophie, me and Kim <3
So thats it for today, but hey Australia is not the only retarded country in the world tjek out Denmark lol!
When driving, you must have someone in front of your car with a flag to warn horse drawn carriages that a motorcar is coming.
Any carport added to a building increases the value of the building by 15.
There is a penalty of 20kr for not reporting when a person has died.
Persons may not wear a mask.
A fee is levied on each purchaser of any plastic bottle which is returned upon return of the bottle.
One may not be charged for food at an inn unless that person, by his or her own opinion, is “full”.
Restaurants may not charge for water unless it is accompanied by another item such as ice or a lemon slice.
Attempt to escape from prison is not illegal, however, if one he is caught he is required to serve out the remainder of his term.


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