At the rugby game Alex, Kim, Stephen and I made a great team! So we decided to meet sunday and go to Luna park in Sydney. Went up early to catch the train 8 o'clock, and when I came out of course Alex and Kim was sitting on my street, waiting for me lol
Anyway we had an amazing day, Luna park is actually quite small compared to Tivoli back home in Denmark. It is a beautiful place 75 years old. Just besides the sea, and from the Ferris Wheel you can see everything! Habour bidge, the opera house etc.
It was like in the movies, and I loved the Illusion room lol! Kim also won a huge pencil (my penis lol) and Stephen a massive cube. But nice people as we are, we gave it away to some small children. You should have seen their faces omg, they were so happy.
It was on one hand a great day and on the other a shitty day. A bird shit on my shirt, and afterwards Kim sat in some bird shit, so she got it at her pants haha! Alex went home early, and yearh loads of stuff happend. A memorable day...
So today at school, Martin was back after 3 weeks wow! Caique was back after a week weee! (: and it has just been a good day. Kim and I have been talking a lot (love that girl) When I came home I walked to Springwood, bought wireless internet, postcards etc. and walked back!!! EXERCISE :o
Today I also went to the rotary club haha... Lynda dressed like a golf player (crazy woman) and I got fined, for talking with to many boys friday night! (cant help im popular lol)
So anyway tomorrow Caique and I will start mountain biking lol gonna be heaps fun! :o)
Luna Park, Sydney |
Me, Kim and Stephen |
Stephen and I |
The massive Cube/dice |
Alex with my beanie and Kim |
The bird might be pretty! but watch out it shit on me :s |
Habour bridge, Sydney |
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