Omg already 26 days, and then ill be gone for a whole year! I cant describe how i feel, cause im so excited and still a little sad. I skyped with my first hosties about a week ago, and with Caique too! Awsome people, im sure we gonna have loads of fun togehter.
All my exams are finally over, and im starting to tell my friends goodbye :/ It is so sad, but hey life is change. Im so bussy right now, I got nothing under control haha! What to pack? Anything I have to buy? Who to say goodbye too? Are all papers in order? :O Talked to Katrina after her Eurotour! Time is running out for us, and I really need to say goodbye. Anyway just a little update (: Gonna miss all you guys! Very excited to meet all you new guys! Haha strange?!
lørdag den 26. juni 2010
tirsdag den 8. juni 2010

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